October 5, 2017 - By Vivian Currie
The Middleby Corporation is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of commercial foodservice, food processing equipment and residential kitchen equipment. The company has market cap of $7.43 billion. The Firm operates in three divisions: the Commercial Foodservice Equipment Group, the Food Processing Equipment Group and the Residential Kitchen Equipment Group. It has a 24.17 P/E ratio. It is also engaged in the design, manufacture, marketing, distribution and service of a range of foodservice equipment used in commercial restaurants and institutional kitchens; food preparation, cooking, baking, chilling and packaging equipment for food processing operations, and kitchen equipment, including ranges, ovens, refrigerators, ventilation and dishwashers used in the residential market.
Ami Investment Management Inc increased Procter & Gamble (PG) stake by 25.26% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Ami Investment Management Inc acquired 10,271 shares as Procter & Gamble (PG)’s stock declined 5.32%. The Ami Investment Management Inc holds 50,938 shares with $4.44 million value, up from 40,667 last quarter. Procter & Gamble now has $235.30B valuation. The stock declined 0.16% or $0.14 reaching $92.28 on the news. About 1.42 million shares traded. Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE:PG) has risen 7.54% since October 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 9.16% the S&P500.
Ami Investment Management Inc decreased United Health Group (NYSE:UNH) stake by 75,595 shares to 15,850 valued at $2.94M in 2017Q2. It also reduced Fiserv (NASDAQ:FISV) stake by 29,248 shares and now owns 37,192 shares. Spdr Tr Unit Ser 1 (SPY) was reduced too.
Since May 1, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 7 insider sales for $17.28 million activity. Shares for $233,011 were sold by Bishop Steven D on Monday, May 1. On Friday, May 19 the insider Louvet Patrice sold $2.55 million. $334,265 worth of Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE:PG) was sold by Skoufalos Ioannis.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.94 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.18, from 0.76 in 2017Q1. It increased, as 63 investors sold PG shares while 714 reduced holdings. 112 funds opened positions while 620 raised stakes. 1.48 billion shares or 0.78% less from 1.49 billion shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Deroy Devereaux Private Counsel holds 0.05% or 4,795 shares in its portfolio. New Mexico Educational Retirement Board holds 1.04% or 237,718 shares in its portfolio. Private Com Na owns 66,679 shares for 1.27% of their portfolio. Sequoia Fin Ltd Liability Co, Ohio-based fund reported 23,745 shares. Miller Howard Invests New York owns 692,447 shares. Jupiter Asset Management Limited stated it has 0.33% of its portfolio in Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE:PG). Bahl And Gaynor Incorporated invested in 2.77 million shares or 2.85% of the stock. Wfg Advsr Lp invested in 23,489 shares. Palisades Hudson Asset Limited Partnership owns 4,133 shares for 0.21% of their portfolio. 66,160 are held by Peoples Serv Corporation. Tradewinds Cap Llc holds 0.32% or 6,965 shares in its portfolio. Sigma Investment Counselors Inc holds 33,846 shares or 0.45% of its portfolio. Citizens & Northern Corp, Pennsylvania-based fund reported 28,424 shares. Osborne Capital Mgmt Limited Liability holds 162,417 shares. Bedell Frazier Invest Counseling Ltd Com invested in 3,512 shares or 0.11% of the stock.
Among 24 analysts covering Proctor & Gamble (NYSE:PG), 12 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 11 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Proctor & Gamble had 62 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE:PG) earned “Neutral” rating by UBS on Monday, October 26. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Thursday, August 17 by Jefferies. Jefferies maintained Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE:PG) rating on Monday, July 17. Jefferies has “Buy” rating and $9800 target. The rating was downgraded by TheStreet to “Hold” on Tuesday, August 4. The firm has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus given on Tuesday, January 19. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Monday, September 18 by Stifel Nicolaus. The company was maintained on Tuesday, September 5 by RBC Capital Markets. SunTrust downgraded the stock to “Hold” rating in Thursday, December 22 report. On Tuesday, September 8 the stock rating was upgraded by SunTrust to “Buy”. The rating was maintained by B. Riley & Co with “Buy” on Wednesday, October 26.
Disciplined Growth Investors Inc Mn holds 4.21% of its portfolio in Middleby Corp for 1.66 million shares. Crestwood Capital Management L.P. owns 58,870 shares or 3.68% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Suncoast Equity Management has 3.52% invested in the company for 95,491 shares. The Ontario – Canada-based Ci Global Investments Inc. has invested 3.43% in the stock. Weybosset Research & Management Llc, a Rhode Island-based fund reported 43,256 shares.
Analysts await Middleby Corp (NASDAQ:MIDD) to report earnings on November, 14. They expect $1.43 earnings per share, up 6.72% or $0.09 from last year’s $1.34 per share. MIDD’s profit will be $82.39 million for 22.55 P/E if the $1.43 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.39 actual earnings per share reported by Middleby Corp for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 2.88% EPS growth.
Ratings analysis reveals 33% of Middleby’s analysts are positive. Out of 3 Wall Street analysts rating Middleby, 1 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 2 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $123.0 while the high is $157.0. The stock’s average target of $140 is 8.56% above today’s ($128.96) share price. MIDD was included in 3 notes of analysts from September 7, 2016. KeyBanc Capital Markets initiated the shares of MIDD in report on Tuesday, February 14 with “Overweight” rating. The stock of Middleby Corp (NASDAQ:MIDD) earned “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank on Wednesday, September 7. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Thursday, December 15 by Macquarie Research.
About 63,592 shares traded. Middleby Corp (MIDD) has risen 8.18% since October 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 8.52% the S&P500.
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