May 31, 2017 - By Vivian Currie
Among 6 analysts covering Photronics (NASDAQ:PLAB), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. Photronics had 8 analyst reports since August 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Thursday, October 1 by RBC Capital Markets. The rating was maintained by Needham on Friday, February 12 with “Buy”. Needham downgraded the shares of PLAB in report on Friday, November 11 to “Hold” rating. SunTrust initiated it with “Buy” rating and $12 target in Thursday, October 1 report. Needham maintained Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB) rating on Friday, December 4. Needham has “Buy” rating and $14 target. Suntrust Robinson initiated the stock with “Buy” rating in Thursday, October 1 report. On Friday, November 11 the stock rating was downgraded by Stifel Nicolaus to “Hold”. See Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB) latest ratings:
American National Insurance Company (ANAT) formed wedge down with $107.73 target or 8.00% below today’s $117.10 share price. American National Insurance Company (ANAT) has $3.20 billion valuation. The stock decreased 0.68% or $0.8 during the last trading session, reaching $117.1. About shares traded. American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT) has declined 4.05% since May 31, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 20.75% the S&P500.
Analysts await American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT) to report earnings on August, 7.
Investors sentiment is 0.78 in Q4 2016. Its the same as in 2016Q3. It is flat, as 12 investors sold American National Insurance Company shares while 43 reduced holdings. only 12 funds opened positions while 31 raised stakes. 17.37 million shares or 2.41% more from 16.96 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Vanguard Grp reported 1.29 million shares. Blackrock Ltd Liability Corp invested 0% in American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT). Kanaly Tru has 0% invested in American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT). Aperio Group Lc reported 252,146 shares stake. California Pub Employees Retirement System has 45,061 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. First Manhattan holds 0.12% of its portfolio in American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT) for 152,050 shares. Manufacturers Life Insurance Communications The owns 758 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Morgan Stanley reported 0% stake. Tiaa Cref Investment Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 0% of its portfolio in American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT) for 15,444 shares. Creative Planning holds 0% or 100 shares in its portfolio. Allianz Asset Ag has invested 0% in American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT). State Street Corp accumulated 0% or 110,849 shares. Bailard Inc has invested 0.03% in American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT). D E Shaw & Com, New York-based fund reported 4,180 shares. Blackrock Institutional Tru Na has invested 0% in American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT).
Since December 9, 2016, it had 0 insider buys, and 1 sale for $7,196 activity. $7,196 worth of American National Insurance Company (NASDAQ:ANAT) was sold by Dummer Arthur Oleen.
Since December 6, 2016, it had 0 insider buys, and 8 selling transactions for $477,958 activity. KIRLIN PETER S had sold 5,842 shares worth $65,998 on Wednesday, January 18. TYSON MITCHELL G had sold 1,200 shares worth $14,130. $172,413 worth of Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB) shares were sold by SMITH SEAN T. 10,275 Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB) shares with value of $104,767 were sold by Burr Richelle E.
Photronics, Inc. is a manufacturer of photomasks, which are photographic quartz plates containing microscopic images of electronic circuits. The company has market cap of $711.51 million. As of October 30, 2016, the Company operated principally from nine manufacturing facilities: two located in Europe, three in Taiwan, one in Korea and three in the United States. It has a 26.23 P/E ratio. Photomasks are used in the manufacture of semiconductors and flat panel displays , and are used as masters to transfer circuit patterns onto semiconductor wafers and flat panel substrates during the fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs), and a range of FPDs and other types of electrical and optical components.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.16 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.21, from 0.95 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 17 investors sold Photronics, Inc. shares while 47 reduced holdings. 25 funds opened positions while 49 raised stakes. 66.03 million shares or 0.20% less from 66.16 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. 474,500 are held by Perritt Capital. Qci Asset Mngmt New York, New York-based fund reported 4,000 shares. Comml Bank Of America De holds 55,185 shares. Jpmorgan Chase And, New York-based fund reported 49,212 shares. Schwab Charles Investment reported 0.01% of its portfolio in Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB). Amer Gp Incorporated invested 0% in Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB). 268,755 are held by Parametric Port Limited Com. State Of Wisconsin Investment Board has 541,493 shares. Princeton Alpha Management L P holds 0.03% of its portfolio in Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB) for 12,845 shares. Heartland Advsr Inc reported 718,371 shares stake. Blackrock Institutional Trust Na reported 1.75M shares. Credit Suisse Ag, Switzerland-based fund reported 68,688 shares. Hancock stated it has 0.03% in Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB). Tower Rech Cap Limited Liability (Trc) owns 5,283 shares. Two Sigma Limited Liability Corporation invested in 14,417 shares or 0.05% of the stock.
The stock decreased 1.46% or $0.15 during the last trading session, reaching $10.1. About shares traded. Photronics, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLAB) has risen 13.48% since May 31, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 3.22% the S&P500.
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