American National BankShares (AMNB) EPS Estimated At $0.50; Euroseas Limited Marshall Islands (ESEA) Sellers Decreased By 6.55% Their Shorts

June 22, 2017 - By Marguerite Chambers

Euroseas Limited Marshall Islands (NASDAQ:ESEA) had a decrease of 6.55% in short interest. ESEA’s SI was 698,900 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its down 6.55% from 747,900 shares previously. With 74,900 avg volume, 9 days are for Euroseas Limited Marshall Islands (NASDAQ:ESEA)’s short sellers to cover ESEA’s short positions. The SI to Euroseas Limited Marshall Islands’s float is 17.94%. The stock decreased 1.63% or $0.02 on June 21, reaching $1.21. About shares traded. Euroseas Ltd. (NASDAQ:ESEA) has declined 38.57% since June 22, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 55.27% the S&P500.

Analysts expect American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB) to report $0.50 EPS on July, 20.They anticipate $0.03 EPS change or 6.38% from last quarter’s $0.47 EPS. AMNB’s profit would be $4.32 million giving it 18.53 P/E if the $0.50 EPS is correct. After having $0.47 EPS previously, American National BankShares Inc’s analysts see 6.38% EPS growth. The stock decreased 1.20% or $0.45 during the last trading session, reaching $37.05. About shares traded. American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB) has risen 36.92% since June 22, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 20.22% the S&P500.

Euroseas Ltd. is engaged in the shipping business. The company has market cap of $13.10 million. The Firm is an owner and operator of drybulk and container carrier vessels and is a well-known provider of seaborne transportation for drybulk and containerized cargoes. It currently has negative earnings. Eurobulk Ltd. manages the Company’s operations.

Since January 23, 2017, it had 3 insider buys, and 2 sales for $55,424 activity. 1,400 shares valued at $50,680 were bought by Hamadi Ramsey K on Monday, February 6. 705 shares were bought by Pleasant Dan Miller, worth $25,028 on Tuesday, May 30. Strader Hunter Gregg also sold $11,449 worth of American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB) shares. DOBBINS R HELM sold $159,154 worth of stock or 4,387 shares.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.65 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.35, from 2 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 2 investors sold American National BankShares Inc shares while 18 reduced holdings. 7 funds opened positions while 26 raised stakes. 2.86 million shares or 7.44% more from 2.66 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Tiaa Cref Inv Limited Liability reported 25,824 shares stake. Raymond James Fincl Svcs owns 6,692 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. 16,560 are owned by Tru Of Virginia Va. Bridgeway Capital Management holds 0.04% or 92,206 shares in its portfolio. Bnp Paribas Arbitrage Sa owns 611 shares. Moreover, Martingale Asset Limited Partnership has 0.01% invested in American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB) for 11,602 shares. California Pub Employees Retirement Sys stated it has 0% in American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB). Kennedy Capital has invested 0.12% in American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB). Morgan Stanley accumulated 0% or 30,964 shares. Barclays Public Limited Co holds 0% in American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB) or 78 shares. 2,140 were reported by Legal & General Gru Public Ltd Company. Dimensional Fund Advsrs L P reported 0% in American National BankShares Inc (NASDAQ:AMNB). Tower Research Limited Liability (Trc) has 508 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Brown Advisory holds 34,100 shares. Cornerstone Mgmt Llc holds 0% or 700 shares.

Among 4 analysts covering American National Bankshares (NASDAQ:AMNB), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. American National Bankshares had 5 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was downgraded by Zacks on Tuesday, September 1 to “Buy”. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Friday, July 24 by Raymond James. The rating was initiated by Stephens with “Equalweight” on Friday, January 8. The rating was upgraded by Keefe Bruyette & Woods on Tuesday, November 29 to “Outperform”.

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