January 15, 2018 - By Maria Brooks
Analysts expect American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) to report $0.54 EPS on February, 13.They anticipate $0.06 EPS change or 12.50% from last quarter’s $0.48 EPS. AAT’s profit would be $34.73M giving it 16.69 P/E if the $0.54 EPS is correct. After having $0.52 EPS previously, American Assets Trust, Inc.’s analysts see 3.85% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.93% or $0.34 during the last trading session, reaching $36.04. About 129,026 shares traded. American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) has risen 1.63% since January 15, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 15.07% the S&P500.
Among 7 analysts covering Bellatrix Exploration (TSE:BXE), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Bellatrix Exploration had 42 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Scotia Capital maintained Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. (TSE:BXE) rating on Friday, July 8. Scotia Capital has “Sector Perform” rating and $2 target. The stock of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. (TSE:BXE) earned “Outperform” rating by National Bank Canada on Thursday, January 14. TD Securities maintained it with “Hold” rating and $1.50 target in Tuesday, September 20 report. National Bank Canada downgraded the stock to “Sector Perform” rating in Friday, June 23 report. As per Thursday, August 6, the company rating was maintained by Northland Capital. Credit Suisse maintained Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. (TSE:BXE) rating on Monday, May 15. Credit Suisse has “Neutral” rating and $1 target. The stock of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. (TSE:BXE) earned “Hold” rating by TD Securities on Friday, August 12. National Bank Canada maintained the shares of BXE in report on Friday, November 6 with “Outperform” rating. The stock has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Thursday, August 6. The stock of Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. (TSE:BXE) has “Hold” rating given on Tuesday, January 19 by Canaccord Genuity. See Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. (TSE:BXE) latest ratings:
15/12/2017 Broker: TD Securities Rating: Hold Old Target: $4.00 New Target: $3.25 Target Down
10/11/2017 Broker: TD Securities Rating: Hold Old Target: $4.25 New Target: $4.00 Target Down
08/09/2017 Broker: Raymond James Rating: Market Perform Old Target: $5.25 New Target: $5.00 Target Down
17/08/2017 Broker: Raymond James Rating: Market Perform Old Target: $6.25 New Target: $5.25 Target Down
American Assets Trust, Inc. is a full service, vertically integrated and self-administered real estate investment trust, or REIT, headquartered in San Diego, California. The company has market cap of $2.32 billion. The firm has over 50 years of experience in acquiring, improving, developing and managing premier retail, office and residential properties throughout the United States in some of the nation??s most dynamic, high-barrier-to-entry markets primarily in Southern California, Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii. The company's retail portfolio comprises approximately 3.3 million rentable square feet, and its office portfolio comprises approximately 2.7 million square feet. It has a 54.11 P/E ratio. In addition, the firm owns one mixed-use property (including approximately 97,000 rentable square feet of retail space and a 369-room all-suite hotel) and 2,112 multifamily units.
Since August 7, 2017, it had 12 insider purchases, and 1 insider sale for $14.18 million activity. RADY ERNEST S bought $312,844 worth of stock or 8,063 shares. $11,268 worth of American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) was sold by Gammieri Jerry.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.14 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.57, from 1.71 in 2017Q2. It dived, as 18 investors sold American Assets Trust, Inc. shares while 47 reduced holdings. 18 funds opened positions while 56 raised stakes. 44.88 million shares or 1.13% less from 45.40 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Ci holds 23,450 shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. Virginia Retirement Systems Et Al has invested 0.01% in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT). Solaris Asset Mgmt Limited has 1,525 shares for 0.04% of their portfolio. Aqr Mgmt Lc accumulated 32,112 shares or 0% of the stock. American Grp Incorporated invested in 0% or 32,119 shares. Bank & Trust Of Montreal Can has 104,210 shares. Asset Mngmt One Co invested in 86,719 shares or 0.01% of the stock. 24,794 are owned by First Republic Invest Mgmt. Metropolitan Life Ins Co reported 29,868 shares. Schroder Mgmt invested in 0% or 5,080 shares. Arizona State Retirement Sys accumulated 21,502 shares. Amundi Pioneer Asset Mgmt has invested 0.01% in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT). Ameritas Inv Prtnrs Inc holds 3,378 shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. Moreover, Eii Cap has 0.33% invested in American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT). Piedmont Advsr Limited Liability Com invested in 0.01% or 9,031 shares.
Among 6 analysts covering American Assets Trust (NYSE:AAT), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. American Assets Trust had 12 analyst reports since July 22, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Outperform” rating on Monday, May 2 by RBC Capital Markets. Bank of America downgraded the shares of AAT in report on Thursday, November 2 to “Hold” rating. The stock has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Wednesday, April 12. As per Monday, November 7, the company rating was upgraded by Mizuho. The rating was downgraded by Mizuho on Wednesday, February 22 to “Neutral”. The stock of American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, July 18 by Mizuho. The stock of American Assets Trust, Inc. (NYSE:AAT) earned “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Tuesday, August 1. As per Friday, September 22, the company rating was maintained by KeyBanc Capital Markets. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Monday, October 23 by KeyBanc Capital Markets. The stock has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Wednesday, July 22.
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