August 7, 2017 - By Vivian Park
Altrinsic Global Advisors Llc increased China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd (CHU) stake by 66.42% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Altrinsic Global Advisors Llc acquired 38,332 shares as China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd (CHU)’s stock rose 10.19%. The Altrinsic Global Advisors Llc holds 96,047 shares with $1.11M value, up from 57,715 last quarter. China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd now has $35.69B valuation. The stock declined 0.60% or $0.09 reaching $14.97 on the news. About 58,024 shares traded. China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited (ADR) (NYSE:CHU) has risen 26.03% since August 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 9.33% the S&P500.
Southcross Energy Partners, L.P. provides natural gas gathering, processing, treating, compression and transportation services and natural gas liquid fractionation and transportation services. The company has market cap of $209.98 million. The Firm also sources, purchases, transports and sells natural gas and NGLs. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s assets are located in South Texas, Mississippi and Alabama As of December 31, 2016, its assets consisted of gathering systems, intrastate pipelines, two natural gas processing plants, one fractionation facility, 20 compressor stations and a treating system.
About 11,831 shares traded. Southcross Energy Partners LP (SXE) has risen 119.90% since August 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 103.20% the S&P500.
Bank Of America Corp De holds 0% of its portfolio in Southcross Energy Partners LP for 335,675 shares. California Public Employees Retirement System owns 19,200 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Citadel Advisors Llc has 0% invested in the company for 16,345 shares. The Kansas-based Creative Planning has invested 0% in the stock. Edge Wealth Management Llc, a New York-based fund reported 1,172 shares.
Among 9 analysts covering China Unicom (NYSE:CHU), 7 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 78% are positive. China Unicom had 16 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Friday, July 31 by HSBC. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Friday, March 24 by Macquarie Research. The stock has “Buy” rating by Goldman Sachs on Thursday, September 22. Deutsche Bank upgraded the stock to “Buy” rating in Wednesday, March 30 report. The stock has “Overweight” rating by Morgan Stanley on Wednesday, April 6. The stock of China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited (ADR) (NYSE:CHU) earned “Neutral” rating by Nomura on Wednesday, November 30. On Monday, August 24 the stock rating was upgraded by Jefferies to “Buy”. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Monday, July 18. The firm has “Buy” rating by HSBC given on Thursday, February 4. The firm has “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank given on Monday, October 24.
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