May 24, 2017 - By Darrin Black
Among 4 analysts covering Revolution Bars Group Plc (LON:RBG), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Revolution Bars Group Plc had 32 analyst reports since September 29, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Tuesday, May 23 by Numis Securities. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, April 5 by Peel Hunt. On Friday, May 19 the stock rating was downgraded by Peel Hunt to “Add”. Peel Hunt maintained Revolution Bars Group PLC (LON:RBG) on Thursday, May 11 with “Buy” rating. FinnCap maintained it with “Buy” rating and GBX 250 target in Tuesday, February 28 report. The stock has “Buy” rating by FinnCap on Wednesday, November 30. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, April 12 by Peel Hunt. The stock of Revolution Bars Group PLC (LON:RBG) has “Buy” rating given on Friday, March 3 by Canaccord Genuity. The stock has “Buy” rating by FinnCap on Wednesday, July 20. The rating was maintained by Numis Securities on Thursday, March 17 with “Buy”. See Revolution Bars Group PLC (LON:RBG) latest ratings:
23/05/2017 Broker: Numis Securities Rating: Hold New Target: GBX 130.00 Maintain
22/05/2017 Broker: Canaccord Genuity Rating: Hold Old Target: GBX 300.00 New Target: GBX 150.00 DownGrade
22/05/2017 Broker: FinnCap Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 250.00 New Target: GBX 180.00 Reinitiateds
19/05/2017 Broker: Numis Securities Rating: Not Rated Under review
19/05/2017 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 260.00 New Target: GBX 220.00 Downgrade
19/05/2017 Broker: FinnCap Rating: Under Review Under Review
11/05/2017 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 260.00 New Target: GBX 260.00 Maintain
20/04/2017 Broker: FinnCap Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 250.00 New Target: GBX 250.00 Maintain
12/04/2017 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 260.00 New Target: GBX 260.00 Maintain
05/04/2017 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 260.00 New Target: GBX 260.00 Maintain
Alpine Investment Management Llc decreased Resolute Forest Products (RFP) stake by 23.82% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Alpine Investment Management Llc sold 1.35M shares as Resolute Forest Products (RFP)’s stock declined 4.30%. The Alpine Investment Management Llc holds 4.31M shares with $23.05 million value, down from 5.65 million last quarter. Resolute Forest Products now has $413.06 million valuation. It closed at $4.5 lastly. It is down 21.24% since May 24, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 37.94% the S&P500.
About 801,460 shares traded or 102.57% up from the average. Revolution Bars Group PLC (LON:RBG) has 0.00% since May 24, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
Revolution Bars Group plc is a United Kingdom operator of bars. The company has market cap of 52.34 million GBP. The Firm has a trading portfolio of approximately 60 bars located predominantly in town or city high streets, which operate under the Revolution and Revolucion de Cuba brands. It has a 9.91 P/E ratio. The Company’s bars focus on a drinks and food-led offering, and typically trade from late morning, during the day and into late evening.
Among 4 analysts covering Resolute Forest Products (NYSE:RFP), 0 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Resolute Forest Products had 7 analyst reports since October 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. TD Securities downgraded Resolute Forest Products Inc (NYSE:RFP) on Friday, April 1 to “Reduce” rating. The rating was downgraded by Scotia Capital on Thursday, January 5 to “Sector Underperform”. RBC Capital Markets upgraded Resolute Forest Products Inc (NYSE:RFP) rating on Friday, February 5. RBC Capital Markets has “Outperform” rating and $7 target. On Wednesday, April 19 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Hold”. Dundee Securities downgraded the shares of RFP in report on Thursday, February 18 to “Neutral” rating. The stock has “Sector Perform” rating by RBC Capital Markets on Monday, April 25.
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