July 21, 2017 - By Ellis Scott
Mannatech, Incorporated is a wellness solution provider. The company has market cap of $44.88 million. The Firm develops and sells nutritional supplements, topical and skin care and anti-aging products, and weight-management products. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm operates through the segment of sale of nutritional supplements, skin care and anti-aging products, and weight management and fitness products through network marketing distribution channels in approximately 20 countries.
Among 4 analysts covering Almost Family (NASDAQ:AFAM), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Almost Family has $6300 highest and $45 lowest target. $56.25’s average target is -2.60% below currents $57.75 stock price. Almost Family had 8 analyst reports since November 27, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. RBC Capital Markets upgraded the stock to “Outperform” rating in Wednesday, October 19 report. As per Monday, June 12, the company rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets. Bank of America initiated it with “Neutral” rating and $49 target in Tuesday, January 24 report. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of AFAM in report on Monday, July 17 with “Buy” rating. Robert W. Baird downgraded the stock to “Neutral” rating in Monday, July 10 report. The rating was maintained by Jefferies with “Buy” on Monday, June 12. The company was upgraded on Thursday, November 3 by Robert W. Baird.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 1 buying transaction, and 0 sales for $28,640 activity.
Bridgeway Capital Management Inc holds 0.02% of its portfolio in Mannatech, Inc. for 57,200 shares. Spark Investment Management Llc owns 13,100 shares or 0.02% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Renaissance Technologies Llc has 0.01% invested in the company for 199,260 shares. The Massachusetts-based Acadian Asset Management Llc has invested 0% in the stock. Bank Of America Corp De, a North Carolina-based fund reported 51 shares.
It closed at $16.55 lastly. It is down 28.68% since July 21, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 45.38% the S&P500.
It closed at $57.75 lastly. It is down 32.84% since July 21, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 16.14% the S&P500.
Since May 1, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 7 insider sales for $4.12 million activity. GUENTHNER C STEVEN had sold 20,000 shares worth $1.12M. $566,500 worth of Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) was sold by WILBURN TYREE G on Friday, May 12. The insider SHERMYEN JOHN sold 10,000 shares worth $516,960. Schwartz Daniel sold $20,055 worth of Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) on Thursday, May 11. The insider Reibel Jeff sold 2,700 shares worth $152,280. YARMUTH WILLIAM B had sold 30,000 shares worth $1.70 million. BING STEVEN B sold $43,181 worth of Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) on Monday, May 8.
Analysts await Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) to report earnings on August, 2. They expect $0.58 EPS, down 4.92% or $0.03 from last year’s $0.61 per share. AFAM’s profit will be $8.12M for 24.89 P/E if the $0.58 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.55 actual EPS reported by Almost Family Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 5.45% EPS growth.
Investors sentiment increased to 2.03 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.52, from 1.51 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 7 investors sold Almost Family Inc shares while 30 reduced holdings. 33 funds opened positions while 42 raised stakes. 7.52 million shares or 1.20% less from 7.61 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Parametric Port Limited Liability Corp holds 0% of its portfolio in Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) for 26,758 shares. Moreover, Ls Llc has 0% invested in Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) for 348 shares. Riverhead Capital Mngmt Ltd has 100 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Kennedy Management Incorporated reported 144,388 shares. Trexquant Limited Partnership reported 7,564 shares. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue holds 0% in Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) or 970 shares. Swiss Bancshares stated it has 13,753 shares. Guggenheim Cap Ltd Liability Corp owns 0.01% invested in Almost Family Inc (NASDAQ:AFAM) for 53,432 shares. 9 were accumulated by Parkside Savings Bank And. Spot Trading Ltd Limited Liability Company invested in 0% or 3,054 shares. Northern Trust reported 0% stake. Manufacturers Life Insurance The owns 5,842 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Fincl Bank Of Mellon invested in 0% or 104,656 shares. South Dakota Investment Council holds 22,200 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio. Bryn Mawr has 28,770 shares.
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