Among 6 analysts covering Alexion Pharma (ALXN), 2 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 33% are positive. Alexion Pharma has $187.0 highest and $82.0 lowest target. $133.67’s average target is 10.17% above currents $121.33 stock price. Alexion Pharma had 6 analyst reports since September 15, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Equal-Weight” rating by Morgan Stanley given on Tuesday, December 13. FBR Capital initiated the stock with “Underperform” rating in Thursday, September 15 report. As per Thursday, December 15, the company rating was initiated by Oppenheimer. The rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Outperform” on Thursday, December 22. The stock of Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN) earned “Buy” rating by Goldman Sachs on Friday, October 28. The company was initiated on Friday, September 23 by Wedbush.
Among 5 analysts covering Portland General Electric (NYSE:POR), 0 have Buy rating, 3 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Portland General Electric had 9 analyst reports since July 28, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Sell” rating on Monday, June 6 by Goldman Sachs. The stock of Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) has “Neutral” rating given on Tuesday, August 2 by Bank of America. The company was downgraded on Tuesday, July 28 by Goldman Sachs. JP Morgan downgraded the shares of POR in report on Wednesday, October 28 to “Underweight” rating. On Friday, August 5 the stock rating was maintained by Williams Capital Group with “Hold”. The rating was upgraded by JP Morgan to “Neutral” on Friday, December 16. The company was downgraded on Tuesday, November 22 by Bank of America. The firm has “Sell” rating given on Wednesday, August 5 by Zacks. The stock of Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) has “Underweight” rating given on Monday, January 4 by Barclays Capital. See Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) latest ratings:
16/12/2016 Broker: JP Morgan Old Rating: Underweight New Rating: Neutral Upgrade
22/11/2016 Broker: Bank of America Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Underperform Downgrade
Portland General Electric Company is an electric utility that is engaged in the wholesale purchase, transmission, distribution and retail sale of electricity in the State of Oregon. The company has market cap of $3.94 billion. The Company’s service area allocation of approximately 4,000 square miles is located entirely within Oregon and includes approximately 51 incorporated cities, of which Portland and Salem. It has a 20.5 P/E ratio. It has five natural gas-fired generating facilities, which include Port Westward Unit 1 , Port Westward Unit 2 (PW2), Beaver natural gas-fired generating plant (Beaver), Coyote Springs Unit 1 (Coyote Springs) and Carty natural gas-fired generating plant (Carty).
Since March 14, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 1 insider sale for $477,635 activity. Another trade for 10,838 shares valued at $477,635 was sold by POPE MARIA M.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.22 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.50, from 0.72 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 21 investors sold Portland General Electric Company shares while 78 reduced holdings. 41 funds opened positions while 80 raised stakes. 82.17 million shares or 0.22% more from 81.99 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Ftb Inc reported 6,178 shares stake. Vanguard Gru has invested 0.02% in Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR). New York State Common Retirement Fund owns 186,280 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Federated Invsts Incorporated Pa stated it has 347,846 shares. Blackrock invested in 63,806 shares or 0% of the stock. Citadel Advisors Ltd Liability reported 54,024 shares. Royal State Bank Of Canada accumulated 995,074 shares or 0.02% of the stock. The Germany-based Deutsche Bancshares Ag has invested 0.01% in Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR). Ferguson Wellman Capital Mngmt invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR). Moreover, Stifel Financial Corp has 0.01% invested in Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) for 45,907 shares. Moreover, Guggenheim Cap Llc has 0.04% invested in Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) for 303,696 shares. Commonwealth Equity Svcs Incorporated invested in 36,189 shares. Thrivent For Lutherans holds 0.04% of its portfolio in Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) for 189,220 shares. Art Advisors Limited Liability Corporation reported 0.02% in Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR). First Mercantile reported 5,670 shares or 0.04% of all its holdings.
About 35,245 shares traded. Portland General Electric Company (NYSE:POR) has risen 4.71% since August 23, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 3.26% the S&P500.
About 296,972 shares traded. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ALXN) has declined 12.15% since August 23, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 20.12% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment is 1.07 in 2016 Q4. Its the same as in 2016Q3. It has no change, as 59 investors sold Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. shares while 167 reduced holdings. only 81 funds opened positions while 160 raised stakes. 215.83 million shares or 2.26% more from 211.05 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. State Common Retirement Fund has 0.1% invested in Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN). Timessquare Capital Mgmt Lc holds 34,835 shares. Japan-based Asset Mngmt One Communication Ltd has invested 0.12% in Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN). Sit Invest Associate stated it has 0.13% in Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN). Tobam holds 0.37% or 74,493 shares. Conning has 0.03% invested in Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN). Parkside Commercial Bank And Trust holds 66 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Wall Street Assoc invested in 0.16% or 2,000 shares. British Columbia Investment Mgmt Corporation has 151,273 shares for 0.16% of their portfolio. California Employees Retirement System has 456,991 shares. Fmr Llc accumulated 28.17 million shares. Amp Cap Invsts Limited has invested 0.06% in Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN). Moreover, Boston Advsrs Limited Company has 0.35% invested in Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN). Sands Cap Management Limited Com reported 5.59M shares. Mirae Asset Glob Invests Com reported 16,937 shares.
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $27.76 billion. The Firm is focused on the development and commercialization of therapeutic products. It has a 68.94 P/E ratio. The Company’s products include Soliris , Strensiq (asfotase alfa) and Kanuma (sebelipase alfa).
Since October 3, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 33 insider sales for $20.64 million activity. On Monday, February 6 Miller Edward sold $131,357 worth of Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN) or 1,045 shares. MACKAY MARTIN also sold $27,524 worth of Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN) shares. Shares for $9,315 were sold by Thiel Carsten. Wagner Heidi L sold $243,371 worth of stock. BELL LEONARD had sold 100 shares worth $14,499 on Tuesday, January 10. The insider O’Neill Julie sold 1,574 shares worth $206,841. Moriarty John B also sold $123,829 worth of Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN) on Monday, December 12.
Analysts await Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN) to report earnings on April, 27. They expect $1.09 EPS, up 25.29% or $0.22 from last year’s $0.87 per share. ALXN’s profit will be $249.39M for 27.81 P/E if the $1.09 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.10 actual EPS reported by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -0.91% negative EPS growth.