January 27, 2018 - By Marie Mckinney
Analysts expect Airgain, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRG) to report $0.02 EPS on February, 15.They anticipate $0.10 EPS change or 83.33% from last quarter’s $0.12 EPS. AIRG’s profit would be $191,575 giving it 128.88 P/E if the $0.02 EPS is correct. After having $0.03 EPS previously, Airgain, Inc.’s analysts see -33.33% EPS growth. The stock increased 0.19% or $0.02 during the last trading session, reaching $10.31. About 27,701 shares traded. Airgain, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRG) has 0.00% since January 27, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
Murphy USA Inc. operates a chain of retail stores in the United States. The company has market cap of $3.02 billion. The companyÂ’s retail stores offer motor fuel products and convenience merchandise. It has a 19.57 P/E ratio. As of January 3, 2017, it operated approximately 1,400 retail stores located primarily in the Southwest, Southeast, and Midwest United States.
Analysts await Murphy USA Inc. (NYSE:MUSA) to report earnings on February, 7. They expect $1.04 EPS, down 8.77% or $0.10 from last year’s $1.14 per share. MUSA’s profit will be $36.19 million for 20.85 P/E if the $1.04 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.90 actual EPS reported by Murphy USA Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -45.26% negative EPS growth.
Bancorpsouth Inc holds 7.05% of its portfolio in Murphy USA Inc. for 1.04 million shares. Tyvor Capital Llc owns 468,768 shares or 6.15% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Southernsun Asset Management Llc has 4.91% invested in the company for 2.89 million shares. The Missouri-based Cutter & Co Brokerage Inc. has invested 2.03% in the stock. Signature Financial Management Inc., a Virginia-based fund reported 84,726 shares.
The stock decreased 1.54% or $1.36 during the last trading session, reaching $86.75. About 195,262 shares traded. Murphy USA Inc. (MUSA) has risen 4.83% since January 27, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 11.87% the S&P500.
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