February 10, 2018 - By Vivian Park
Agf Investments Inc decreased Bank Of Montreal (BMO) stake by 7.51% reported in 2017Q3 SEC filing. Agf Investments Inc sold 63,988 shares as Bank Of Montreal (BMO)’s stock declined 10.55%. The Agf Investments Inc holds 788,162 shares with $59.65 million value, down from 852,150 last quarter. Bank Of Montreal now has $48.43B valuation. The stock increased 0.01% or $0.01 during the last trading session, reaching $75.64. About 645,562 shares traded or 66.85% up from the average. Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO) has risen 10.44% since February 10, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 6.26% the S&P500.
ZAGG Inc, together with its subsidiaries, designs, makes, and distributes mobile tech accessories for smartphones and tablets in the United States, Europe, and internationally. The company has market cap of $446.20 million. The firm operates through ZAGG and mophie divisions. It has a 157.92 P/E ratio. It offers screen protection products; battery cases and power management products for tablets, smartphones, MP3 players, cameras, and other electronic mobile devices; device specific keyboards and device agnostic keyboards; earbuds, headphones, Bluetooth speakers, and cables under the ZAGG, InvisibleShield, IFROGZ, and mophie brands.
Analysts await ZAGG Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG) to report earnings on March, 6. They expect $0.75 EPS, up 1,037.50% or $0.83 from last year’s $-0.08 per share. ZAGG’s profit will be $20.98 million for 5.32 P/E if the $0.75 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.34 actual EPS reported by ZAGG Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 120.59% EPS growth.
Tieton Capital Management Llc holds 8.15% of its portfolio in ZAGG Inc for 601,877 shares. Pacific Ridge Capital Partners Llc owns 404,561 shares or 1.81% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Perkins Capital Management Inc has 1.1% invested in the company for 66,700 shares. The California-based Eam Investors Llc has invested 0.8% in the stock. Columbia Pacific Advisors Llc, a Washington-based fund reported 31,770 shares.
The stock increased 2.57% or $0.4 during the last trading session, reaching $15.95. About 479,443 shares traded. ZAGG Inc (ZAGG) has risen 54.72% since February 10, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 38.02% the S&P500.
Among 12 analysts covering Bank Of Montreal (NYSE:BMO), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 9 Hold. Therefore 25% are positive. Bank Of Montreal had 28 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Sector Perform” rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Wednesday, August 26. The stock has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Wednesday, December 7. The stock has “Buy” rating by TD Securities on Thursday, June 1. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Dundee Securities given on Wednesday, September 21. The company was maintained on Wednesday, August 24 by RBC Capital Markets. On Wednesday, December 2 the stock rating was upgraded by TD Securities to “Buy”. The firm earned “Sector Perform” rating on Wednesday, August 26 by National Bank Canada. The stock of Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO) earned “Sector Perform” rating by RBC Capital Markets on Friday, September 11. The stock of Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO) earned “Neutral” rating by Bank of America on Tuesday, November 1. As per Tuesday, August 29, the company rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity.
Agf Investments Inc increased Mondelez International Inc. (NASDAQ:MDLZ) stake by 102,766 shares to 2.64 million valued at $107.17M in 2017Q3. It also upped Brookfield Infrastructure Partners Lp (NYSE:BIP) stake by 198,934 shares and now owns 603,922 shares. Ishares International Treasury Bond Etf (IGOV) was raised too.
Analysts await Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO) to report earnings on February, 27. They expect $1.58 EPS, down 7.60% or $0.13 from last year’s $1.71 per share. BMO’s profit will be $1.01 billion for 11.97 P/E if the $1.58 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.55 actual EPS reported by Bank of Montreal for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 1.94% EPS growth.
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