June 26, 2017 - By Kurt Siggers
Emagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN) had a decrease of 11.22% in short interest. EMAN’s SI was 387,100 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its down 11.22% from 436,000 shares previously. With 37,800 avg volume, 10 days are for Emagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN)’s short sellers to cover EMAN’s short positions. The SI to Emagin Corporation’s float is 1.91%. About 6,807 shares traded. eMagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN) has risen 39.66% since June 26, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 22.96% the S&P500.
Adirondack Research & Management Inc decreased Sterling Construction Co Inc (STRL) stake by 28.07% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Adirondack Research & Management Inc sold 200,570 shares as Sterling Construction Co Inc (STRL)’s stock rose 7.85%. The Adirondack Research & Management Inc holds 513,838 shares with $4.35 million value, down from 714,408 last quarter. Sterling Construction Co Inc now has $319.90M valuation. The stock rose 5.49% or $0.61 reaching $11.73. About 249,022 shares traded. Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL) has risen 121.51% since June 26, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 104.81% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.33 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.33, from 1 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 2 investors sold eMagin Corporation shares while 4 reduced holdings. 4 funds opened positions while 4 raised stakes. 2.48 million shares or 4.09% more from 2.38 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Bessemer Group has 0% invested in eMagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN). Blackrock Fund Advsrs holds 0% of its portfolio in eMagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN) for 62,129 shares. Blackrock Limited Liability has 6,297 shares. Susquehanna Intll Grp Llp accumulated 0% or 19,856 shares. Dimensional Fund Lp invested in 197,956 shares or 0% of the stock. California-based Wells Fargo & Mn has invested 0% in eMagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN). California Pub Employees Retirement System has invested 0% in eMagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN). Coldstream Capital holds 11,350 shares or 0% of its portfolio. 65,621 were reported by Geode Mngmt Limited Liability Corporation. Blackrock Investment Management Limited Company holds 0% of its portfolio in eMagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN) for 3,419 shares. 443,148 are owned by Vanguard Group Inc Inc. 10,000 were reported by Hilton Llc. Manufacturers Life Ins Commerce The owns 1,132 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Renaissance Ltd Liability Corporation holds 224,700 shares. Northern Tru Corp has 0% invested in eMagin Corporation (NYSEMKT:EMAN) for 36,227 shares.
eMagin Corporation is engaged in the manufacture of microdisplays using organic light emitting diode technology. The company has market cap of $79.13 million. The Firm designs, develops, makes and markets OLED on silicon microdisplays, virtual imaging products that utilizes OLED microdisplays and related products. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm also performs research in the OLED field.
Analysts await Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL) to report earnings on August, 7. They expect $0.10 EPS, up 11.11% or $0.01 from last year’s $0.09 per share. STRL’s profit will be $2.73 million for 29.33 P/E if the $0.10 EPS becomes a reality. After $-0.09 actual EPS reported by Sterling Construction Company, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -211.11% EPS growth.
Adirondack Research & Management Inc increased Pan American Silver Corp (NASDAQ:PAAS) stake by 21,000 shares to 119,000 valued at $1.79 million in 2016Q4. It also upped Allscripts Healthcare Solutn (NASDAQ:MDRX) stake by 127,100 shares and now owns 555,661 shares. Ampco (NYSE:AP) was raised too.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.18 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.22, from 1.4 in 2016Q3. It fall, as 18 investors sold STRL shares while 21 reduced holdings. 21 funds opened positions while 25 raised stakes. 17.38 million shares or 5.05% more from 16.55 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. 142,384 were reported by Geode Capital Mngmt Llc. Blackrock Institutional Tru Company Na holds 0% in Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL) or 480,376 shares. Boston Ptnrs, Massachusetts-based fund reported 172,696 shares. Blackrock Advisors Limited Liability reported 5,074 shares. Bancshares Of Montreal Can invested 0% in Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL). Walleye Trading Ltd holds 1,300 shares. Acadian Asset Limited Liability Corp reported 0.04% in Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL). Pacific Ridge Capital Prns Ltd Com invested in 447,986 shares or 1.36% of the stock. Dimensional Fund Lp owns 1.21 million shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Vanguard Grp Inc holds 0% or 811,282 shares in its portfolio. Moreover, Trexquant Investment LP has 0.02% invested in Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL) for 18,488 shares. Numeric Invsts Limited Liability Co stated it has 0% of its portfolio in Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL). Morgan Stanley reported 0% in Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL). Wexford LP has invested 0.02% in Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL). 413,600 are held by Alphaone Invest Svcs Ltd Llc.
Among 5 analysts covering Sterling Construction (NASDAQ:STRL), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 60% are positive. Sterling Construction had 7 analyst reports since August 12, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:STRL) earned “Sector Weight” rating by KeyBanc Capital Markets on Thursday, February 9. The rating was downgraded by BWS Financial on Tuesday, May 3 to “Hold”. As per Monday, May 9, the company rating was upgraded by DA Davidson.
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