May 22, 2017 - By Adrian Erickson
Jmu Limited Ads (NASDAQ:JMU) had a decrease of 6.34% in short interest. JMU’s SI was 19,200 shares in May as released by FINRA. Its down 6.34% from 20,500 shares previously. With 15,000 avg volume, 1 days are for Jmu Limited Ads (NASDAQ:JMU)’s short sellers to cover JMU’s short positions. The SI to Jmu Limited Ads’s float is 0.07%. About 43,265 shares traded or 172.36% up from the average. JMU Ltd- ADR (NASDAQ:JMU) has declined 56.43% since May 22, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 73.13% the S&P500.
Adams Asset Advisors Llc increased Martin Midstream Ptnr Lp (MMLP) stake by 18.48% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Adams Asset Advisors Llc acquired 38,149 shares as Martin Midstream Ptnr Lp (MMLP)’s stock declined 0.53%. The Adams Asset Advisors Llc holds 244,592 shares with $4.49 million value, up from 206,443 last quarter. Martin Midstream Ptnr Lp now has $737.69 million valuation. The stock rose 1.48% or $0.27 reaching $18.88 per share. About 43,068 shares traded. Martin Midstream Partners L.P. (NASDAQ:MMLP) has declined 14.95% since May 22, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 31.65% the S&P500.
Among 4 analysts covering Martin Midstream Partners LP (NASDAQ:MMLP), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Martin Midstream Partners LP had 6 analyst reports since September 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus on Tuesday, December 6. The stock of Martin Midstream Partners L.P. (NASDAQ:MMLP) earned “Outperform” rating by FBR Capital on Friday, September 9. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Janney Capital given on Friday, September 16. On Friday, October 28 the stock rating was maintained by FBR Capital with “Outperform”. FBR Capital maintained the shares of MMLP in report on Tuesday, October 27 with “Outperform” rating.
Since January 9, 2017, it had 10 buys, and 0 insider sales for $66,559 activity. 721 shares valued at $13,762 were bought by MARTIN RUBEN S on Tuesday, February 14. The insider Shoup Scot A bought 91 shares worth $1,737. $3,989 worth of Martin Midstream Partners L.P. (NASDAQ:MMLP) was bought by TAUSCHER RANDALL. BONDURANT ROBERT D bought $6,523 worth of Martin Midstream Partners L.P. (NASDAQ:MMLP) on Monday, January 9. $76 worth of stock was bought by BOOTH CHRIS H on Tuesday, February 14.
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