Actua (ACTA)’s Chief Financial Officer Raymond Morgan Sold 1,687 Shares; Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) Had 2 Bulls

January 19, 2018 - By Hazel Jackson

Among 2 analysts covering Amphion Innovations PLC (LON:AMP), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Amphion Innovations PLC had 16 analyst reports since September 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Corporate” rating by Northland Capital given on Tuesday, January 5. The firm has “Corporate” rating by Northland Capital given on Friday, November 10. The rating was maintained by Northland Capital with “Corporate” on Thursday, November 26. On Thursday, November 23 the stock rating was maintained by Northland Capital with “Corporate”. The rating was maintained by Northland Capital on Thursday, April 28 with “Corporate”. The rating was maintained by Beaufort Securities on Friday, November 6 with “Speculative Buy”. The firm has “Corporate” rating by Northland Capital given on Thursday, October 5. The firm has “Speculative Buy” rating given on Friday, September 4 by Beaufort Securities. The stock of Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) has “Speculative Buy” rating given on Friday, April 8 by Beaufort Securities. The firm has “Corporate” rating given on Wednesday, June 28 by Northland Capital. See Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) latest ratings:

22/12/2017 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
23/11/2017 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
10/11/2017 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
05/10/2017 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
29/09/2017 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain

In a public form which was filled with the Security and Exchange Commission, it was revealed that the Chief Financial Officer of Actua Corp Raymond Morgan, an insider in focus, made a sale for 1,687 shares of the Pennsylvania-based Actua Corp, worth $26,486 U.S. Dollars using an average stock price per share of $15.7 U.S. Dollars. The chance of this stocks unloading staying a secret is very low because it’s new, with Raymond Morgan now holding 106,232 shares —- that is 0.35% of the company’s market cap.

Analysts await Actua Corporation (NASDAQ:ACTA) to report earnings on March, 8. They expect $-0.28 earnings per share, down 115.38% or $0.15 from last year’s $-0.13 per share. After $-0.19 actual earnings per share reported by Actua Corporation for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 47.37% negative EPS growth.

The stock decreased 0.32% or $0.05 during the last trading session, reaching $15.75. About 54,818 shares traded. Actua Corporation (NASDAQ:ACTA) has risen 59.43% since January 19, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 42.73% the S&P500.

Actua Corporation operates as a multi-vertical cloud technology firm that creates value for clients and provides transformative efficiency to vertical markets worldwide. The company has market cap of $473.25 million. The firm operates through two divisions, Vertical Cloud and Vertical Cloud . It has a 6.07 P/E ratio. It provides Bolt, a cloud platform that allows large insurance carrier-agencies, independent insurance agents, and other insurance organizations with access to a range of commercial and personal property, and casualty insurance products.

Amphion Innovations plc is a venture capital firm specializing in both public and private early stage investments and spun out of universities and firms. The company has market cap of 3.11 million GBP. It does not invest in “speculative” technologies requiring long development timeframes or excessive capital investment. It currently has negative earnings. It invests in the medical, life sciences, and technology sectors with defensible core intellectual property, know-how and growth potential in very large markets of at least $1 billion in size together with firms, governments, universities, and entrepreneurs.

The stock decreased 14.29% or GBX 0.25 during the last trading session, reaching GBX 1.5. About 90,000 shares traded. Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) has 0.00% since January 19, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.97 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.15, from 1.12 in 2017Q2. It is negative, as 35 investors sold Amphion Innovations Plc shares while 228 reduced holdings. 76 funds opened positions while 178 raised stakes. 116.09 million shares or 1.34% more from 114.55 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. 15,264 are held by Atria Investments Ltd Liability Co. Sit Inv Associate invested in 18,495 shares or 0.07% of the stock. Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund reported 43,943 shares stake. Moreover, Macquarie Gp has 0.02% invested in Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP). Cleararc holds 0.21% of its portfolio in Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) for 9,444 shares. Morgan Stanley reported 0.05% of its portfolio in Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP). Benjamin F Edwards & Communication Incorporated holds 0% of its portfolio in Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) for 155 shares. Bridgeway Mgmt Inc owns 402,874 shares. Cap Fund Sa holds 34,935 shares or 0.04% of its portfolio. Aristotle Management Limited Liability holds 2.84% of its portfolio in Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) for 2.46 million shares. Moreover, Hyman Charles D has 0.03% invested in Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP). Camarda Fincl Advsrs Lc has 4,096 shares for 0.65% of their portfolio. Citadel Advsrs Limited Liability stated it has 6,104 shares. Perigon Wealth Management reported 800 shares. 1832 Asset Management L P has 10 shares for 0% of their portfolio.

Since July 31, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 15 selling transactions for $35.61 million activity. Another trade for 425 shares valued at $61,690 was sold by THISSEN KAREN WILSON. On Thursday, August 10 McGraw Deirdre Davey sold $174,072 worth of Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) or 1,200 shares. MOORE COLIN had sold 4,285 shares worth $690,271 on Thursday, October 26. TRUSCOTT WILLIAM F also sold $2.86M worth of Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) shares. Woerner John Robert had sold 9,022 shares worth $1.45 million on Thursday, October 26. CRACCHIOLO JAMES M sold $5.70 million worth of Amphion Innovations Plc (LON:AMP) on Monday, August 14. Shares for $307,648 were sold by Sweeney Joseph Edward.

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