Accuray (ARAY) Analysts See $-0.07 EPS; Ormat Technologies (ORA) Has 1.3 Sentiment

October 6, 2017 - By Peter Erickson

Analysts expect Accuray Incorporated (NASDAQ:ARAY) to report $-0.07 EPS on October, 26.They anticipate $0.05 EPS change or 41.67% from last quarter’s $-0.12 EPS. After having $-0.06 EPS previously, Accuray Incorporated’s analysts see 16.67% EPS growth. The stock increased 2.38% or $0.1 during the last trading session, reaching $4.3. About shares traded. Accuray Incorporated (NASDAQ:ARAY) has declined 21.41% since October 6, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 38.11% the S&P500.

Ormat Technologies, Inc. is engaged in the geothermal and recovered energy power business. The company has market cap of $3.02 billion. The Firm designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy power plants. It has a 27.56 P/E ratio. The Company’s equipment manufacturing activities are located in Israel.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 0 insider buys, and 11 sales for $3.95 million activity.

The stock decreased 0.31% or $0.19 during the last trading session, reaching $60.44. About shares traded. Ormat Technologies, Inc. (ORA) has risen 34.71% since October 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 18.01% the S&P500.

Analysts await Ormat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:ORA) to report earnings on November, 6. They expect $0.49 earnings per share, down 12.50% or $0.07 from last year’s $0.56 per share. ORA’s profit will be $24.48 million for 30.84 P/E if the $0.49 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.58 actual earnings per share reported by Ormat Technologies, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -15.52% negative EPS growth.

Mivtachim The Workers Social Insurance Fund Ltd. (Under Special Management) holds 2.65% of its portfolio in Ormat Technologies, Inc. for 679,326 shares. Mitchell Capital Management Co owns 112,030 shares or 2.51% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Friedberg Investment Management has 1.89% invested in the company for 75,230 shares. The Israel-based Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Ltd has invested 1.85% in the stock. Americafirst Capital Management Llc, a California-based fund reported 22,103 shares.

Accuray Incorporated is a radiation oncology company. The company has market cap of $360.11 million. The Firm develops, makes and markets medical devices used in radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer patients. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include the CyberKnife Systems, the TomoTherapy Systems, and the Radixact Delivery Treatment Platform.

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