AAR Corp. (AIR) to pay $0.08 on Aug 2, 2017, R F Industries LTD Has 0.57 Sentiment

July 18, 2017 - By Kurt Siggers

AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) is expected to pay $0.08 on Aug 2, 2017. $0.30 is the ADY. (NYSE:AIR) shareholders before Jul 19, 2017 will receive the $0.08 dividend. AAR Corp.’s current price of $36.90 translates into 0.20% yield. AAR Corp.’s dividend has Jul 21, 2017 as record date. Jul 11, 2017 is the announcement. The stock decreased 1.89% or $0.71 on July 17, reaching $36.9. About shares traded. AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) has risen 46.02% since July 18, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 29.32% the S&P500.

RF Industries, Ltd. is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of interconnect products and systems, including coaxial and specialty cables, fiber optic cables and connectors, and electrical and electronic specialty cables. The company has market cap of $16.78 million. It operates through two divisions: RF Connector and Cable Assembly, which consists of Connector and Cable Assembly Division, and the Custom Cabling Manufacturing and Assembly, which consists of subsidiaries, including Cables Unlimited, Inc. Comnet Telecom Supply, Inc. (Comnet) and Rel-Tech Electronics, Inc. (Rel-Tech). It currently has negative earnings. The Connector and Cable Assembly Division designs, makes and distributes coaxial connectors and cable assemblies.

The stock increased 5.41% or $0.1 on July 17, reaching $1.95. About shares traded. RF Industries, Ltd. (RFIL) has declined 34.55% since July 18, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 51.25% the S&P500.

Park Circle Co holds 0.26% of its portfolio in RF Industries, Ltd. for 226,124 shares. Grt Capital Partners L.L.C. owns 160,712 shares or 0.08% of their US portfolio. Moreover, North Star Investment Management Corp. has 0.07% invested in the company for 251,177 shares. The Texas-based Anson Funds Management Lp has invested 0.06% in the stock. Bank Of America Corp De, a North Carolina-based fund reported 1 shares.

Since April 3, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 2 sales for $293,747 activity. $123,230 worth of AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) shares were sold by Anderson Anthony. Shares for $170,517 were sold by Holmes John McClain III.

AAR CORP. is a provider of services and products to the commercial aviation and government and defense markets. The company has market cap of $1.25 billion. The Firm operates in two divisions: Aviation Services, which consists of supply chain and maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) activities, and Expeditionary Services, which includes airlift and mobility activities. It has a 25.34 P/E ratio. The Company’s services and products include aviation supply chain and parts support programs; MRO of aircraft and landing gear; design and manufacture of specialized pallets, shelters and containers; expeditionary airlift services; aircraft modifications, and aircraft and engine sales and leasing.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.07 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.33, from 1.4 in 2016Q3. It turned negative, as 14 investors sold AAR Corp. shares while 57 reduced holdings. 25 funds opened positions while 51 raised stakes. 29.82 million shares or 1.66% more from 29.33 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) stated it has 1,090 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Thrivent For Lutherans holds 0% of its portfolio in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) for 17,190 shares. Cap Fund Management Sa has invested 0.01% in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR). Jane Street Group Ltd Com owns 16,434 shares. National Bank Of Ny Mellon Corp stated it has 0% in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR). Savings Bank Of America De holds 0% or 64,992 shares in its portfolio. Suntrust Banks stated it has 48,698 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Walthausen And Com Lc holds 0.99% of its portfolio in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) for 324,100 shares. Nationwide Fund Advsrs reported 89,803 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. 11,998 are held by Ubs Asset Mngmt Americas Inc. Capstone Asset Co has invested 0.01% in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR). Citadel Advsrs Llc holds 7,725 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Franklin Res owns 3.73 million shares. Wexford Capital Lp invested in 16,133 shares or 0.05% of the stock. Bridgeway Cap Management Inc holds 182,560 shares.

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