July 5, 2017 - By Nellie Frank
Amerisafe, Inc. is an insurance holding company. The company has market cap of $1.09 billion. The Firm is engaged in providing workers’ compensation insurance focused on small to mid-sized employers engaged in hazardous industries, principally construction, trucking, logging and lumber, manufacturing, and agriculture. It has a 16.11 P/E ratio. It is engaged in underwriting the workers’ compensation exposures inherent in these industries.
1St Source Bank decreased Express Scripts Hldg (ESRX) stake by 43.4% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. 1St Source Bank sold 11,442 shares as Express Scripts Hldg (ESRX)’s stock declined 14.09%. The 1St Source Bank holds 14,924 shares with $1.03 million value, down from 26,366 last quarter. Express Scripts Hldg now has $37.94B valuation. The stock declined 0.25% or $0.16 reaching $63.76 per share. About 830,861 shares traded. Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) has declined 16.92% since July 5, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 33.62% the S&P500.
Analysts await Amerisafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMSF) to report earnings on July, 27. They expect $0.80 earnings per share, down 5.88% or $0.05 from last year’s $0.85 per share. AMSF’s profit will be $15.49M for 17.59 P/E if the $0.80 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.71 actual earnings per share reported by Amerisafe, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 12.68% EPS growth.
Dean Capital Management holds 1.75% of its portfolio in Amerisafe, Inc. for 35,402 shares. Tygh Capital Management Inc. owns 77,397 shares or 1.21% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Smith Graham & Co. Investment Advisors Lp has 1.2% invested in the company for 177,819 shares. The Tennessee-based New South Capital Management Inc has invested 0.82% in the stock. Palisade Capital Management Llc Nj, a New Jersey-based fund reported 341,771 shares.
About 21,008 shares traded. Amerisafe, Inc. (AMSF) has declined 3.80% since July 5, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 20.50% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.57 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.07, from 0.64 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 86 investors sold ESRX shares while 505 reduced holdings. 74 funds opened positions while 263 raised stakes. 502.37 million shares or 2.68% less from 516.19 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Canada Pension Plan Invest Board has invested 0.1% in Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX). 20,095 are owned by Raymond James Trust Na. Ray Gerald L & Assoc has invested 0.4% of its portfolio in Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX). Columbia Ptnrs L L C Investment Mgmt accumulated 0.07% or 11,264 shares. Moreover, Pineno Levin And Ford Asset Management has 0.49% invested in Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX). Livingston Gru Asset Management (Operating As Southport Cap Management) holds 0.13% or 3,100 shares in its portfolio. American Century Companies owns 2.92 million shares. Alliancebernstein LP holds 0.1% or 1.68 million shares. Smith Moore And holds 0.31% or 11,911 shares. Ubs Oconnor Limited Company reported 528,044 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Arizona State Retirement System holds 0.17% of its portfolio in Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) for 163,830 shares. Advent Ma accumulated 31,400 shares. Leavell Management Inc stated it has 3,785 shares or 0.04% of all its holdings. The New York-based New York Life Investment Mngmt Ltd Limited Liability Company has invested 6.03% in Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX). Engineers Gate Manager Limited Partnership owns 12,254 shares.
1St Source Bank increased Costco Wholesale Corp (NASDAQ:COST) stake by 2,503 shares to 5,743 valued at $920,000 in 2016Q4. It also upped Ishares Russell 1000 Value Etf (IWD) stake by 115,293 shares and now owns 568,489 shares. Ishares Russell 2000 Etf (IWM) was raised too.
Analysts await Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) to report earnings on July, 24. They expect $1.71 earnings per share, up 8.92% or $0.14 from last year’s $1.57 per share. ESRX’s profit will be $1.02 billion for 9.32 P/E if the $1.71 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.33 actual earnings per share reported by Express Scripts Holding Company for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 28.57% EPS growth.
Among 17 analysts covering Express Scripts (NASDAQ:ESRX), 7 have Buy rating, 3 Sell and 7 Hold. Therefore 41% are positive. Express Scripts had 26 analyst reports since July 30, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Thursday, July 30 by RBC Capital Markets. Jefferies maintained Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) on Friday, May 26 with “Buy” rating. The stock of Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) has “Hold” rating given on Friday, November 4 by Deutsche Bank. Wells Fargo downgraded Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) on Wednesday, March 15 to “Underperform” rating. Credit Suisse maintained Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) on Thursday, June 1 with “Buy” rating. The rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley to “Equal-Weight” on Thursday, January 21. Mizuho maintained Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) rating on Wednesday, January 13. Mizuho has “Buy” rating and $93 target. Leerink Swann downgraded Express Scripts Holding Company (NASDAQ:ESRX) on Tuesday, January 19 to “Market Perform” rating. On Tuesday, April 26 the stock rating was maintained by Credit Suisse with “Outperform”. The firm has “Overweight” rating by Barclays Capital given on Wednesday, July 27.
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