1832 Asset Management LP Has Increased By $19.73 Million Its Proofpoint (PFPT) Stake; Strategic Wealth Advisors Groupinc Has Cut Corning (GLW) Stake By $9.67 Million

November 23, 2017 - By Ellis Scott

1832 Asset Management Lp increased Proofpoint Inc (PFPT) stake by 16.97% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. 1832 Asset Management Lp acquired 232,100 shares as Proofpoint Inc (PFPT)’s stock rose 0.42%. The 1832 Asset Management Lp holds 1.60M shares with $137.06 million value, up from 1.37 million last quarter. Proofpoint Inc now has $4.10 billion valuation. The stock increased 0.38% or $0.35 on November 22, reaching $91.45. About shares traded. Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT) has risen 52.24% since November 23, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 35.54% the S&P500.

Strategic Wealth Advisors Groupinc decreased Corning Inc (GLW) stake by 95.48% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Strategic Wealth Advisors Groupinc sold 322,438 shares as Corning Inc (GLW)’s stock rose 5.06%. The Strategic Wealth Advisors Groupinc holds 15,263 shares with $458,000 value, down from 337,701 last quarter. Corning Inc now has $27.52B valuation. The stock decreased 0.41% or $0.13 on November 22, reaching $31.8. About 3.09 million shares traded. Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) has risen 53.38% since November 23, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 36.68% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.32 in Q2 2017. Its up 0.12, from 1.2 in 2017Q1. It improved, as 31 investors sold PFPT shares while 75 reduced holdings. 48 funds opened positions while 92 raised stakes. 49.73 million shares or 6.97% more from 46.48 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. 87,998 were accumulated by Ameriprise Finance Inc. 1832 Asset Mngmt LP invested in 0.62% or 1.60 million shares. Sterling Capital Mngmt Limited Liability stated it has 0.03% of its portfolio in Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT). 10,000 were accumulated by Symmetry Peak Management Limited Liability Company. Bank Of America De reported 244,384 shares. Royal Bankshares Of Canada, Ontario – Canada-based fund reported 125,545 shares. Crow Point Lc reported 8,782 shares or 0.12% of all its holdings. 2,813 are owned by Envestnet Asset Mngmt. Pictet Asset Mngmt Ltd has invested 0.14% in Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT). Us Bancshares De has invested 0% in Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT). Oppenheimer Asset Mngmt Inc has invested 0% in Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT). Moreover, Angelo Gordon & LP has 0.18% invested in Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT) for 41,500 shares. First Mercantile Trust Co holds 9,100 shares. Mutual Of America Limited Liability reported 150,846 shares or 0.23% of all its holdings. Illinois-based Geneva Advsrs Ltd Liability Corp has invested 0.02% in Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT).

Among 28 analysts covering Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT), 22 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 79% are positive. Proofpoint Inc had 75 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Zacks upgraded the stock to “Sell” rating in Tuesday, August 25 report. The stock of Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT) earned “Buy” rating by Evercore on Wednesday, June 29. RBC Capital Markets maintained Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT) on Friday, July 24 with “Outperform” rating. Wunderlich maintained Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT) rating on Friday, July 22. Wunderlich has “Buy” rating and $83 target. The stock has “Hold” rating by KeyBanc Capital Markets on Monday, September 18. Piper Jaffray maintained it with “Buy” rating and $100.0 target in Friday, September 8 report. The firm has “Buy” rating by Northland Capital given on Thursday, June 29. The stock of Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT) has “Neutral” rating given on Friday, October 20 by Robert W. Baird. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Tuesday, September 1 by Zacks. The rating was downgraded by Zacks on Monday, September 7 to “Sell”.

Since May 23, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 5 insider sales for $6.90 million activity. Hahn Eric had sold 5,000 shares worth $445,163. 2,750 shares valued at $241,320 were sold by Lee Robert Darren on Thursday, June 1. Steele Gary also sold $3.68M worth of Proofpoint Inc (NASDAQ:PFPT) on Thursday, June 8. Shares for $277,351 were sold by Knight David. On Tuesday, June 6 the insider Auvil Paul R. III sold $2.26 million.

1832 Asset Management Lp decreased Ishares Tr (FLOT) stake by 7,770 shares to 10,991 valued at $560,000 in 2017Q2. It also reduced Canadian Natl Ry Co (NYSE:CNI) stake by 5.78M shares and now owns 1.95M shares. Regency Ctrs Corp (NYSE:REG) was reduced too.

Strategic Wealth Advisors Groupinc increased Ishares Tr (IBB) stake by 3,598 shares to 13,809 valued at $4.28M in 2017Q2. It also upped Ishares Tr (IAT) stake by 23,650 shares and now owns 28,561 shares. Select Sector Spdr Tr (XLF) was raised too.

Analysts await Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) to report earnings on January, 23. They expect $0.47 earnings per share, down 6.00% or $0.03 from last year’s $0.5 per share. GLW’s profit will be $406.74M for 16.91 P/E if the $0.47 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.43 actual earnings per share reported by Corning Incorporated for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 9.30% EPS growth.

Since June 1, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 3 sales for $8.88 million activity. Clappin James P also sold $3.13 million worth of Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) shares. $4.54M worth of Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) shares were sold by WEEKS WENDELL P. Shares for $1.21M were sold by Kinlin Clark S on Thursday, June 1.

Among 18 analysts covering Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW), 5 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 11 Hold. Therefore 28% are positive. Corning Incorporated had 42 analyst reports since July 30, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, January 24, the company rating was upgraded by Bank of America. As per Wednesday, February 1, the company rating was downgraded by Bernstein. Stifel Nicolaus maintained Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) rating on Friday, July 21. Stifel Nicolaus has “Hold” rating and $2800 target. The stock has “Market Perform” rating by Wells Fargo on Wednesday, December 21. As per Thursday, April 13, the company rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus. Drexel Hamilton maintained Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) on Tuesday, January 26 with “Hold” rating. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Friday, September 25 by Goldman Sachs. As per Tuesday, March 14, the company rating was downgraded by Goldman Sachs. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, January 4 by Guggenheim. JP Morgan downgraded the stock to “Neutral” rating in Thursday, December 17 report.

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