Reeds Incorporated (NYSEMKT:REED) had a decrease of 3.16% in short interest. REED’s SI was 367,700 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its down 3.16% from 379,700 shares previously. With 21,500 avg volume, 17 days are for Reeds Incorporated (NYSEMKT:REED)’s short sellers to cover REED’s short positions. The SI to Reeds Incorporated’s float is 4.43%. It closed at $3.95 lastly. It is down 42.09% since August 18, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 34.91% the S&P500.
Barclays Capital have a GBX 5600.00 target on the stock. The target would suggest a potential upside of 14.19% from Wolseley PLC (LON:WOS)‘s last close price. This rating was revealed in a report on Monday morning.
Reed’s, Inc. develops, manufactures, markets and sells natural non-alcoholic carbonated soft drinks, Kombucha, candies and ice creams. The company has market cap of $55.20 million. The Firm makes, licenses, markets and sells several product lines, such as Reed’s Ginger Brews; Virgil’s Root Beer, Cream Sodas, Dr. It currently has negative earnings. Better and Real Cola, including ZERO diet sodas; Culture Club Kombucha; China Colas; Reed’s Ginger candy and ice creams, and Sonoma Sparkler and other juice based products.
About 147,777 shares traded. Wolseley plc (LON:WOS) has risen 15.79% since August 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 8.61% the S&P500.