June 27, 2017 - By Louis Casey
Potbelly Corporation (NASDAQ:PBPB) had a decrease of 13.08% in short interest. PBPB’s SI was 1.15 million shares in June as released by FINRA. Its down 13.08% from 1.32M shares previously. With 544,700 avg volume, 2 days are for Potbelly Corporation (NASDAQ:PBPB)’s short sellers to cover PBPB’s short positions. The SI to Potbelly Corporation’s float is 5.33%. About 3,963 shares traded. Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB) has declined 15.62% since June 27, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 32.32% the S&P500.
Analysts expect Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR) to report $1.92 EPS on July, 27.They anticipate $0.19 EPS change or 10.98% from last quarter’s $1.73 EPS. INGR’s profit would be $138.46 million giving it 15.40 P/E if the $1.92 EPS is correct. After having $1.88 EPS previously, Ingredion Inc’s analysts see 2.13% EPS growth. About 59,677 shares traded. Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR) has declined 2.30% since June 27, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 19.00% the S&P500.
Since December 30, 2016, it had 1 insider purchase, and 3 selling transactions for $501,574 activity. On Monday, May 8 the insider BASSI PETER A bought $99,216. $130,490 worth of Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB) was sold by REVORD MATTHEW J. Ewing Anne sold $339,000 worth of Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB) on Friday, February 17.
Among 2 analysts covering Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Potbelly Corp had 6 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB) earned “Buy” rating by Maxim Group on Monday, November 7. The company was initiated on Friday, September 30 by Maxim Group. The firm has “Buy” rating by Zacks given on Friday, August 7. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, May 31 by Maxim Group. Maxim Group maintained Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB) rating on Tuesday, November 22. Maxim Group has “Buy” rating and $16 target. Sidoti initiated the shares of PBPB in report on Monday, November 16 with “Buy” rating.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.62 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.38, from 1.24 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 9 investors sold Potbelly Corp shares while 33 reduced holdings. 18 funds opened positions while 50 raised stakes. 17.44 million shares or 0.35% less from 17.50 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Lpl Fincl Ltd Liability Co invested 0% of its portfolio in Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB). William Harris Investors reported 323,122 shares or 1.2% of all its holdings. Clearbridge Lc holds 734,914 shares. Cornerstone Cap Limited Liability Company holds 0.01% or 89,100 shares in its portfolio. 14,400 are held by Da Davidson. Moreover, Invesco has 0% invested in Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB). State Street holds 0% or 411,670 shares. Gsa Ptnrs Limited Liability Partnership reported 145,898 shares. New York-based Hutchin Hill Cap Limited Partnership has invested 0.02% in Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB). 1.91 million are owned by Vanguard Group Incorporated. D E Shaw & Inc has invested 0% in Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB). Swiss Comml Bank reported 0% stake. Acadian Asset Mngmt Limited Company reported 0.01% stake. Highbridge Mgmt Limited Co reported 0.01% stake. Moreover, Royal Fincl Bank Of Canada has 0% invested in Potbelly Corp (NASDAQ:PBPB) for 7,649 shares.
Potbelly Corporation owns and operates Potbelly Sandwich Works sandwich shops in the United States. The company has market cap of $284.92 million. The Firm has domestic and international franchise activities of Potbelly Sandwich Works sandwich shops. It has a 38.59 P/E ratio. As of December 25, 2016, the Company operated Potbelly Sandwich Works sandwich shops in 29 states and the District of Columbia.
Investors sentiment is 1.09 in Q4 2016. Its the same as in 2016Q3. It is flat, as 41 investors sold Ingredion Inc shares while 156 reduced holdings. only 52 funds opened positions while 162 raised stakes. 59.87 million shares or 1.89% less from 61.03 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Prudential Public Llc holds 0.15% or 345,331 shares in its portfolio. Cubist Systematic Strategies Limited Liability Company accumulated 0.04% or 4,326 shares. Cap One National Association holds 0.03% or 3,305 shares in its portfolio. Citigroup Inc holds 0.01% in Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR) or 45,291 shares. Macquarie Gp Limited owns 5,300 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Tower Capital Ltd Com (Trc) accumulated 164 shares. First City Cap Management Inc owns 2,879 shares. Gareth Morgan Invests Lp reported 20,634 shares. Panagora Asset Management Incorporated reported 51,127 shares. Cohen Steers has invested 0.01% in Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR). Snyder Mngmt L P has 623,002 shares for 4.73% of their portfolio. Massmutual Fsb Adv reported 184 shares. Boston Private Wealth Ltd Limited Liability Company reported 5,576 shares or 0.03% of all its holdings. Andra Ap stated it has 0.17% of its portfolio in Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR). The Colorado-based Alps Advsr has invested 0% in Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR).
Among 7 analysts covering Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR), 4 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 57% are positive. Ingredion Inc had 12 analyst reports since August 3, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Citigroup with “Buy” on Wednesday, June 15. As per Friday, January 29, the company rating was upgraded by Stephens. The stock of Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR) earned “Hold” rating by BMO Capital Markets on Thursday, April 13. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Friday, May 26 by Jefferies. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Thursday, September 8 by Societe Generale. The stock of Ingredion Inc (NYSE:INGR) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, December 16 by Jefferies. BMO Capital Markets maintained it with “Market Perform” rating and $95 target in Friday, October 30 report. On Monday, September 14 the stock rating was upgraded by Citigroup to “Buy”.
Ingredion Incorporated is an ingredients solutions provider. The company has market cap of $8.53 billion. The Firm makes and sells sweetener, starches, nutrition ingredients and biomaterial solutions derived from the wet milling and processing of corn and other starch materials to a range of industries, both domestically and internationally. It has a 18.33 P/E ratio. It operates through four divisions: North America, South America, Asia Pacific, and Europe, Middle East and Africa .
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