November 8, 2017 - By Marguerite Chambers
Analysts expect Daqo New Energy Corp (NYSE:DQ) to report $1.41 EPS on November, 21.They anticipate $0.22 EPS change or 18.49% from last quarter’s $1.19 EPS. DQ’s profit would be $14.83M giving it 6.98 P/E if the $1.41 EPS is correct. After having $1.19 EPS previously, Daqo New Energy Corp’s analysts see 18.49% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.13% or $0.05 on November 7, reaching $39.35. About shares traded. Daqo New Energy Corp (NYSE:DQ) has declined 5.57% since November 8, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 22.27% the S&P500.
Endurant Capital Management Lp decreased Akorn Inc (AKRX) stake by 85.84% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Endurant Capital Management Lp sold 135,800 shares as Akorn Inc (AKRX)’s stock rose 52.48%. The Endurant Capital Management Lp holds 22,400 shares with $751,000 value, down from 158,200 last quarter. Akorn Inc now has $4.16 billion valuation. It closed at $33.27 lastly. It is down 12.04% since November 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 4.66% the S&P500.
Endurant Capital Management Lp increased American Renal Associates Ho stake by 48,430 shares to 94,408 valued at $1.75 million in 2017Q2. It also upped Vaneck Vectors Etf Tr stake by 27,549 shares and now owns 45,999 shares. Gilead Sciences Inc (NASDAQ:GILD) was raised too.
Among 16 analysts covering Akorn Inc (NASDAQ:AKRX), 5 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 9 Hold. Therefore 31% are positive. Akorn Inc had 36 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Hold” rating by Piper Jaffray given on Tuesday, August 29. Piper Jaffray maintained it with “Hold” rating and $34.0 target in Friday, September 15 report. The rating was maintained by Piper Jaffray with “Hold” on Friday, October 20. The stock of Akorn, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKRX) earned “Overweight” rating by Piperjaffray on Thursday, September 15. As per Friday, March 18, the company rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank. The firm has “Market Perform” rating given on Tuesday, August 2 by Raymond James. The company was maintained on Tuesday, August 8 by Piper Jaffray. The stock has “Underperform” rating by Bank of America on Monday, November 7. The stock has “Market Perform” rating by JMP Securities on Wednesday, September 9. The stock of Akorn, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKRX) has “Neutral” rating given on Tuesday, September 29 by Nomura.
Among 3 analysts covering Daqo New Energy (NYSE:DQ), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. Daqo New Energy had 11 analyst reports since August 12, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Roth Capital maintained Daqo New Energy Corp (NYSE:DQ) on Friday, May 26 with “Buy” rating. As per Tuesday, November 10, the company rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley. Roth Capital maintained it with “Buy” rating and $3500 target in Monday, June 26 report. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Sunday, August 13 by Roth Capital. The stock of Daqo New Energy Corp (NYSE:DQ) earned “Buy” rating by Roth Capital on Friday, November 3. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Friday, July 14 by Roth Capital. Northland Capital initiated it with “Outperform” rating and $37 target in Friday, December 18 report. On Friday, August 4 the stock rating was maintained by Roth Capital with “Buy”. The stock of Daqo New Energy Corp (NYSE:DQ) earned “Buy” rating by Roth Capital on Monday, October 16. The rating was maintained by Roth Capital with “Buy” on Monday, June 5.
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