December 30, 2017 - By Michael Collier
Analysts expect Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) to report $1.11 EPS on February, 2.They anticipate $0.07 EPS change or 5.93% from last quarter’s $1.18 EPS. CBM’s profit would be $36.38 million giving it 10.81 P/E if the $1.11 EPS is correct. After having $0.55 EPS previously, Cambrex Corporation’s analysts see 101.82% EPS growth. The stock decreased 1.23% or $0.6 during the last trading session, reaching $48. About 280,662 shares traded. Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) has risen 11.15% since December 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 5.55% the S&P500.
BSQUARE Corporation provides software solutions and related engineering services to businesses that develop, market, and sell standalone intelligent systems in North America, Asia, and Europe. The company has market cap of $58.72 million. The Company’s software products include HTML5 rendering engine that is based on the open-source WebKit platform and facilitates device makers to create applications and user interfaces for their devices; and TestQuest 10, a software testing automation tool. It currently has negative earnings. The firm also offers DataV software Services, such as integration with enterprise databases; integration with internal enterprise systems; integration with external public or third-party data sources; custom application development; management of customer cloud instances hosting DataV software; training; and software integration on remote devices.
Among 5 analysts covering Cambrex Corp (NYSE:CBM), 5 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Cambrex Corp had 6 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Stephens initiated Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) rating on Tuesday, July 21. Stephens has “Overweight” rating and $55 target. Craig Hallum maintained Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) rating on Tuesday, October 31. Craig Hallum has “Buy” rating and $60.0 target. First Analysis upgraded the stock to “Overweight” rating in Monday, November 7 report. First Analysis maintained it with “Overweight” rating and $66 target in Tuesday, January 17 report. On Thursday, February 11 the stock rating was maintained by Singular Research with “Buy”.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.58 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.59, from 0.99 in 2017Q2. It is positive, as 18 investors sold Cambrex Corporation shares while 61 reduced holdings. 41 funds opened positions while 84 raised stakes. 31.63 million shares or 2.69% more from 30.80 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Columbia Wanger Asset Management Ltd Llc holds 1.14M shares or 0.93% of its portfolio. Principal Finance Grp Inc Inc has 271,218 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Goldman Sachs Grp Incorporated has invested 0% in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM). Truenorth Inc invested in 65,344 shares or 1.67% of the stock. Moreover, First Quadrant L P Ca has 0.07% invested in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM). Sector Pension Board reported 0% of its portfolio in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM). Fmr Limited Liability Company has 1.32 million shares. Ranger Invest L P owns 2.91% invested in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) for 704,978 shares. Intrust State Bank Na holds 0.15% or 8,370 shares in its portfolio. Voya Invest Limited Company holds 0% in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) or 32,674 shares. Kennedy Cap Incorporated reported 0.52% of its portfolio in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM). Alliancebernstein Ltd Partnership reported 0% stake. Meeder Asset Mgmt Inc reported 0% of its portfolio in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM). Louisiana State Employees Retirement accumulated 13,300 shares. Mark Sheptoff Planning Lc holds 0.15% of its portfolio in Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) for 4,000 shares.
Since August 1, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 3 sales for $1.57 million activity. $618,387 worth of Cambrex Corporation (NYSE:CBM) was sold by KLOSK STEVEN M on Friday, September 1.
Cambrex Corporation, a life sciences company, provides various services and products for the development and commercialization of new and generic therapeutics worldwide. The company has market cap of $1.57 billion. The companyÂ’s products comprise active pharmaceutical ingredients and pharmaceutical intermediates that are used in the production of prescription and over-the-counter drug products, as well as other fine chemicals. It has a 16.08 P/E ratio. It serves generic drug companies; and companies that discover and commercialize small molecule human therapeutics.
The stock decreased 1.06% or $0.05 during the last trading session, reaching $4.65. About 7,133 shares traded. BSQUARE Corporation (BSQR) has declined 3.81% since December 30, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 20.51% the S&P500.
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