NewLink Genetics Corporation is a clinical-stage immuno-oncology firm focused on discovering, developing and commercializing immunotherapeutic products for the treatment of cancer. The company has market cap of $558.89 million. The Company’s portfolio includes biologic and small-molecule immunotherapy product candidates for a range of oncology indications. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s biologic product candidates are based on its HyperAcute Cellular Immunotherapy technology, which is designed to stimulate the human immune system to attack cancer cells.
Analysts expect National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG) to report $1.02 EPS on April, 27.They anticipate $0.05 EPS change or 5.15% from last quarter’s $0.97 EPS. NFG’s profit would be $86.48M giving it 13.24 P/E if the $1.02 EPS is correct. After having $1.04 EPS previously, National Fuel Gas Co.’s analysts see -1.92% EPS growth. About 741,232 shares traded or 0.80% up from the average. National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG) has declined 5.12% since September 12, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 13.60% the S&P500.
Ratings analysis reveals 100% of NewLink Genetics’s analysts are positive. Out of 2 Wall Street analysts rating NewLink Genetics, 2 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 0 recommend “Hold”. The lowest target is $27 while the high is $30. The stock’s average target of $28.50 is 49.61% above today’s ($19.05) share price. NLNK was included in 3 notes of analysts from March 23, 2016. As per Wednesday, May 11, the company rating was downgraded by SunTrust. The firm earned “Outperform” rating on Wednesday, March 23 by Robert W. Baird. SunTrust upgraded NewLink Genetics Corp (NASDAQ:NLNK) rating on Thursday, March 30. SunTrust has “Buy” rating and $30 target.
About 2.56M shares traded or 263.24% up from the average. NewLink Genetics Corp (NASDAQ:NLNK) has risen 52.53% since September 12, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 44.04% the S&P500.
Knoll Capital Management Lp holds 1.69% of its portfolio in NewLink Genetics Corp for 93,533 shares. Wall Street Associates owns 108,900 shares or 0.74% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Orbimed Advisors Llc has 0.26% invested in the company for 1.99 million shares. The Pennsylvania-based Tfs Capital Llc has invested 0.25% in the stock. Secor Capital Advisors Lp, a New York-based fund reported 100,529 shares.
Analysts await NewLink Genetics Corp (NASDAQ:NLNK) to report earnings on May, 5. They expect $-0.81 EPS, up 1.22% or $0.01 from last year’s $-0.82 per share. After $-0.46 actual EPS reported by NewLink Genetics Corp for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 76.09% negative EPS growth.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.08 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.30, from 1.38 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 33 investors sold National Fuel Gas Co. shares while 91 reduced holdings. 35 funds opened positions while 99 raised stakes. 55.62 million shares or 2.90% more from 54.05 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Howe & Rusling has invested 0% in National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG). California State Teachers Retirement System has 157,620 shares. Ipswich Inv Mngmt, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 10,696 shares. State Bank Of New York Mellon stated it has 1.07M shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Glenmede Co Na holds 0% in National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG) or 1,538 shares. Cutler Counsel Limited Liability Corp reported 1.29% stake. Kings Point accumulated 0.01% or 525 shares. 10,200 were reported by S&T Bankshares Pa. Qs Invsts Lc accumulated 93 shares or 0% of the stock. Security Natl Trust has invested 0.19% of its portfolio in National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG). Columbia Asset Mngmt stated it has 0.14% of its portfolio in National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG). First Trust Advsr L P owns 102,691 shares. Mason Street Advisors Limited Liability has 39,747 shares. Kcg owns 16,745 shares. California Employees Retirement reported 240,699 shares.
Since March 13, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 4 sales for $13.71 million activity. $455,989 worth of National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG) was sold by CIPRICH PAULA M on Friday, March 31. $7.75M worth of National Fuel Gas Co. (NYSE:NFG) was sold by ACKERMAN PHILIP C.
National Fuel Gas Company is a holding company. The company has market cap of $4.58 billion. The Firm is an energy firm engaged principally in the production, gathering, transportation, distribution and marketing of natural gas. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm operates in five business divisions: Exploration and Production, Pipeline and Storage, Gathering, Utility, and Energy Marketing.