$0.97 EPS Expected for Northwest Natural Gas Company (NWN); Shorts at NEMAURA MEDICAL (NMRD) Raised By 2.04%

February 3, 2018 - By Stephen Andrade

NEMAURA MEDICAL INCORPORATED (NASDAQ:NMRD) had an increase of 2.04% in short interest. NMRD’s SI was 5,000 shares in February as released by FINRA. Its up 2.04% from 4,900 shares previously. With 5,500 avg volume, 1 days are for NEMAURA MEDICAL INCORPORATED (NASDAQ:NMRD)’s short sellers to cover NMRD’s short positions. The stock increased 0.82% or $0.0511 during the last trading session, reaching $6.2635. About 57,074 shares traded or 459.11% up from the average. Nemaura Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:NMRD) has 0.00% since February 3, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.

Analysts expect Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) to report $0.97 EPS on February, 26.They anticipate $0.03 EPS change or 3.00% from last quarter’s $1 EPS. NWN’s profit would be $27.85 million giving it 14.70 P/E if the $0.97 EPS is correct. After having $-0.30 EPS previously, Northwest Natural Gas Company’s analysts see -423.33% EPS growth. The stock increased 0.18% or $0.1 during the last trading session, reaching $57.05. About 264,209 shares traded or 71.85% up from the average. Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) has risen 7.71% since February 3, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 8.99% the S&P500.

Nemaura Medical Inc., through its subsidiaries, discovers, develops, and commercializes specialty medical devices. The company has market cap of $423.89 million. It provides sugarBEAT device, a non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring device for use by persons with Type I and Type II diabetes, as well as for screening pre-diabetic patients. It currently has negative earnings.

Since August 30, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 5 sales for $937,722 activity. ANDERSON DAVID HUGO sold $535,758 worth of stock or 8,000 shares. The insider Yoshihara Grant M sold $132,050. $58,071 worth of Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) was sold by DODSON MARK S on Thursday, January 11. The insider Russell Lori L sold $133,854. Shares for $77,989 were sold by Byorum Martha L.

Among 6 analysts covering Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN), 0 have Buy rating, 4 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 0 are positive. Northwest Natural Gas Company had 9 analyst reports since April 25, 2016 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was downgraded by Wells Fargo to “Sell” on Monday, December 18. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of NWN in report on Thursday, February 1 with “Hold” rating. Sidoti downgraded Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) rating on Monday, January 8. Sidoti has “Hold” rating and $63.0 target. The stock of Northwest Natural Gas Company (NYSE:NWN) earned “Sell” rating by Guggenheim on Tuesday, January 2. On Wednesday, February 1 the stock rating was initiated by Wells Fargo with “Market Perform”. Hilliard Lyons downgraded the shares of NWN in report on Thursday, May 26 to “Underperform” rating. The company was initiated on Monday, April 25 by Sidoti.

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