January 14, 2018 - By Nellie Frank
Among 7 analysts covering Koppers Holdings (NYSE:KOP), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 57% are positive. Koppers Holdings had 18 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was upgraded on Tuesday, September 8 by Jefferies. The rating was downgraded by First Analysis to “Equal-Weight” on Thursday, October 15. The stock of Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP) earned “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Tuesday, October 10. The rating was maintained by Wunderlich with “Buy” on Thursday, June 30. The rating was maintained by Jefferies with “Hold” on Tuesday, November 14. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Monday, July 18 by Monness Crespi & Hardt. The firm has “Outperform” rating by Barrington Research given on Monday, May 8. Jefferies maintained Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP) on Thursday, July 13 with “Hold” rating. The rating was maintained by Jefferies on Thursday, August 31 with “Hold”. Monness Crespi & Hardt upgraded the shares of KOP in report on Monday, March 14 to “Buy” rating. See Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP) latest ratings:
14/11/2017 Broker: Jefferies Rating: Hold New Target: $49.0 Maintain
09/11/2017 Broker: FBR Capital Rating: Buy New Target: $65.0
10/10/2017 Broker: Jefferies Rating: Hold New Target: $40.0 Maintain
14/09/2017 Broker: Barrington Rating: Buy New Target: $55.0
31/08/2017 Broker: Jefferies Rating: Hold New Target: $40.0 Maintain
Analysts expect Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC) to report $0.87 EPS on February, 5.They anticipate $0.00 EPS change or 0.00% from last quarter’s $0.87 EPS. KRC’s profit would be $87.61 million giving it 20.56 P/E if the $0.87 EPS is correct. After having $0.88 EPS previously, Kilroy Realty Corporation’s analysts see -1.14% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.35% or $0.25 during the last trading session, reaching $71.55. About 471,812 shares traded. Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC) has risen 21.14% since January 14, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 4.44% the S&P500.
Kilroy Realty Corporation. is a real estate investment trust. The company has market cap of $7.21 billion. The firm invests in real estate markets of the United States. It has a 47.1 P/E ratio. It own, develop, acquire and manage real estate assets, consisting primarily of Class A properties in the coastal regions of Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego County, the San Francisco Bay Area and greater Seattle.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.24 in Q3 2017. Its up 0.05, from 1.19 in 2017Q2. It increased, as 20 investors sold Kilroy Realty Corporation shares while 76 reduced holdings. 28 funds opened positions while 91 raised stakes. 94.47 million shares or 2.33% less from 96.72 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Amp Capital Investors has invested 0.57% in Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC). Bb&T Securities Limited Liability Corp has 4,546 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Sei Invs owns 235,562 shares. Ameriprise Inc has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC). Moreover, Tarbox Family Office has 0% invested in Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC) for 30 shares. State Of Tennessee Treasury Department, a Tennessee-based fund reported 113,900 shares. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management, a Wisconsin-based fund reported 40 shares. American Gp accumulated 201,234 shares. 157,683 are held by Citigroup Incorporated. Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Communication Limited invested in 0.01% or 12,123 shares. Cadence Mngmt Ltd Liability Corporation reported 6,986 shares. Endowment Management Lp invested 0.4% of its portfolio in Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC). Millennium Management Ltd Liability Corporation has 832,907 shares. Thompson Davis & Incorporated accumulated 27 shares. Rhumbline Advisers stated it has 0.03% of its portfolio in Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC).
Among 15 analysts covering Kilroy Realty (NYSE:KRC), 4 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 10 Hold. Therefore 27% are positive. Kilroy Realty had 36 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Wednesday, October 25, the company rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets. The firm has “Outperform” rating by Evercore given on Monday, August 14. BMO Capital Markets initiated Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC) on Thursday, September 10 with “Market Perform” rating. JP Morgan downgraded the stock to “Neutral” rating in Friday, December 15 report. BMO Capital Markets maintained Kilroy Realty Corporation (NYSE:KRC) on Tuesday, January 9 with “Buy” rating. As per Monday, March 7, the company rating was downgraded by Argus Research. Evercore downgraded the stock to “Hold” rating in Monday, November 28 report. On Friday, November 13 the stock rating was initiated by BB&T Capital with “Buy”. The rating was maintained by KeyBanc Capital Markets on Friday, September 22 with “Hold”. The stock has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus on Thursday, September 1.
Koppers Holdings Inc. provides treated wood products, wood treatment chemicals, and carbon compounds in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $1.01 billion. The firm operates through three divisions: Railroad and Utility Products and Services , Performance Chemicals (PC), and Carbon Materials and Chemicals (CMC). It has a 21.18 P/E ratio. The RUPS segment procures and treats crossties, switch ties, and various types of lumber used for railroad bridges and crossings.
The stock decreased 0.71% or $0.35 during the last trading session, reaching $48.8. About 70,629 shares traded. Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP) has risen 55.42% since January 14, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 38.72% the S&P500.
Since September 22, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 2 insider sales for $158,850 activity. The insider Hyde Leslie S sold 1,800 shares worth $77,400.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.43 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.34, from 1.09 in 2017Q2. It improved, as 10 investors sold Koppers Holdings Inc. shares while 53 reduced holdings. 30 funds opened positions while 60 raised stakes. 18.30 million shares or 0.88% more from 18.14 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Dimensional Fund Advsrs Lp reported 632,534 shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Brown Advisory has 13,072 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Secor Capital Advsr Lp has invested 0.11% in Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP). Cubist Systematic Strategies Ltd Liability Com stated it has 0.01% in Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP). 1.34M are owned by Fuller And Thaler Asset. Tiaa Cref Inv Management Ltd Limited Liability Company accumulated 0.01% or 165,208 shares. Capital One National Association stated it has 0.03% in Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP). Janney Management Limited Liability Company has 0.02% invested in Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP). Bessemer Grp Incorporated Incorporated reported 9,400 shares. Envestnet Asset Management holds 0% or 2,685 shares in its portfolio. Harvey Ltd invested in 47,500 shares or 2.52% of the stock. Moreover, Bowling Management Limited has 0.25% invested in Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP) for 35,404 shares. D E Shaw And has invested 0.01% in Koppers Holdings Inc. (NYSE:KOP). Emerald Advisers Pa invested in 17,837 shares. Hbk Invests Ltd Partnership invested in 45,264 shares.
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