September 21, 2017 - By Peter Erickson
CenterState Bank Corporation, formerly CenterState Banks, Inc., is a financial holding company, which owns CenterState Bank of Florida, N.A. . The company has market cap of $1.53 billion. The Firm provides a range of consumer and commercial banking services to individuals, businesses and industries. It has a 20.9 P/E ratio. The Company’s divisions include commercial and retail banking, correspondent banking and capital markets division, and corporate overhead and administration.
Analysts expect Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation (NASDAQ:PPC) to report $0.71 EPS on October, 25.They anticipate $0.32 EPS change or 82.05% from last quarter’s $0.39 EPS. PPC’s profit would be $176.69M giving it 10.02 P/E if the $0.71 EPS is correct. After having $0.94 EPS previously, Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation’s analysts see -24.47% EPS growth. About 542,266 shares traded. Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation (NASDAQ:PPC) has declined 5.02% since September 21, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 21.72% the S&P500.
12Th Street Asset Management Company Llc holds 3.58% of its portfolio in Centerstate Bank Corp for 560,334 shares. Forest Hill Capital Llc owns 479,714 shares or 3.58% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Jacobus Wealth Management Inc. has 2.29% invested in the company for 341,270 shares. The Wisconsin-based 1492 Capital Management Llc has invested 2.07% in the stock. Channing Capital Management Llc, a Illinois-based fund reported 1.90 million shares.
It is down 57.47% since September 21, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 40.77% the S&P500.
Analysts await Centerstate Bank Corp (NASDAQ:CSFL) to report earnings on October, 17. They expect $0.36 earnings per share, up 12.50% or $0.04 from last year’s $0.32 per share. CSFL’s profit will be $21.60 million for 17.71 P/E if the $0.36 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.37 actual earnings per share reported by Centerstate Bank Corp for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -2.70% negative EPS growth.
Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation is a retail feed store. The company has market cap of $7.08 billion. It is a producer and seller of chicken with activities in the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico. It has a 14.34 P/E ratio. It is engaged in the production, processing, marketing and distribution of fresh, frozen and value-added chicken products to retailers, distributors and foodservice operators.
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