Analysts expect Carriage Services, Inc. (NYSE:CSV) to report $0.49 EPS on April, 24.They anticipate $0.02 EPS change or 4.26% from last quarter’s $0.47 EPS. CSV’s profit would be $8.33M giving it 13.86 P/E if the $0.49 EPS is correct. After having $0.36 EPS previously, Carriage Services, Inc.’s analysts see 36.11% EPS growth. About 49,198 shares traded. Carriage Services, Inc. (NYSE:CSV) has risen 14.69% since September 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 6.18% the S&P500.
Intellicheck Mobilisa Incorporated (NYSEMKT:IDN) had a decrease of 4.03% in short interest. IDN’s SI was 242,700 shares in April as released by FINRA. Its down 4.03% from 252,900 shares previously. With 27,100 avg volume, 9 days are for Intellicheck Mobilisa Incorporated (NYSEMKT:IDN)’s short sellers to cover IDN’s short positions. The SI to Intellicheck Mobilisa Incorporated’s float is 3.17%. About 49,185 shares traded. Intellicheck Mobilisa, Inc. (NYSEMKT:IDN) has risen 76.65% since September 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 68.14% the S&P500.
Among 2 analysts covering Carriage Services (NYSE:CSV), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Carriage Services had 2 analyst reports since November 11, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Barrington Research maintained the stock with “Outperform” rating in Thursday, September 22 report. The firm has “Outperform” rating given on Wednesday, November 11 by Oppenheimer.
Since November 4, 2016, it had 2 insider buys, and 1 sale for $6,552 activity. Shares for $117,600 were bought by Leibman Bryan. Schenck James Raymond had bought 1,000 shares worth $26,000 on Wednesday, March 8. Phillips Shawn R sold $150,152 worth of stock or 5,630 shares.
Carriage Services, Inc. is a provider of death care services and merchandise in the United States. The company has market cap of $461.91 million. The Firm operates in two business divisions: Funeral Home Operations and Cemetery Operations. It has a 24.28 P/E ratio. The Funeral Homes segment provides funeral services and sells related merchandise, such as caskets and urns.