$0.40 EPS Expected for Gulfport Energy (GPOR); Universal Insurance Holdings (UVE) Sentiment Is 1.41

January 18, 2018 - By Darrin Black

Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides various property and casualty insurance products in the United States. The company has market cap of $1.05 billion. The firm primarily underwrites homeownersÂ’ insurance products; and offers reinsurance intermediary services. It has a 12.97 P/E ratio. It offers its products through a network of independent agents.

Analysts expect Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR) to report $0.40 EPS on February, 12.They anticipate $0.06 EPS change or 17.65% from last quarter’s $0.34 EPS. GPOR’s profit would be $73.21 million giving it 8.06 P/E if the $0.40 EPS is correct. After having $0.32 EPS previously, Gulfport Energy Corporation’s analysts see 25.00% EPS growth. The stock decreased 1.34% or $0.17 during the last trading session, reaching $12.9. About 70,997 shares traded. Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR) has declined 45.17% since January 18, 2017 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 61.87% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.74 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.54, from 1.2 in 2017Q2. It improved, as 20 investors sold Gulfport Energy Corporation shares while 65 reduced holdings. 50 funds opened positions while 98 raised stakes. 155.36 million shares or 0.81% more from 154.12 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Ent Fincl holds 0% of its portfolio in Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR) for 84 shares. Deutsche Comml Bank Ag has 875,290 shares. 29,757 are held by Strategic Glob Advsr Ltd Llc. 93,248 were accumulated by Arizona State Retirement System. Miller Howard Incorporated, New York-based fund reported 16,146 shares. Balyasny Asset Management Limited, Illinois-based fund reported 258,391 shares. California Pub Employees Retirement reported 731,188 shares. Alps Advisors invested 0% of its portfolio in Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR). 6,756 were accumulated by Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank). Retail Bank Of America De invested in 0.01% or 3.20M shares. Alliancebernstein Limited Partnership stated it has 86,615 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Schroder Investment Management stated it has 0.08% in Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR). Pub Employees Retirement Systems Of Ohio, Ohio-based fund reported 68,653 shares. Los Angeles Cap Mgmt And Equity Research holds 0.01% or 146,956 shares in its portfolio. 137,975 are owned by Price T Rowe Md.

Gulfport Energy Corporation engages in the acquisition, exploration, exploitation, and production of natural gas, natural gas liquids , and crude oil in the United States. The company has market cap of $2.36 billion. The Company’s principal properties are located in the Utica Shale primarily in Eastern Ohio, along the Louisiana Gulf Coast in the West Cote Blanche Bay, and Hackberry fields. It has a 56.07 P/E ratio. The firm also has interests in the Niobrara Formation of Northwestern Colorado; Bakken Formation; Alberta oil sands in Canada; and Phu Horm gas field in Thailand.

Since December 15, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 8 sales for $2.05 million activity. $72,998 worth of Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR) was sold by Maier Stuart on Friday, December 15. 7,059 shares were sold by Groeschel Craig, worth $85,823 on Friday, December 15. Shares for $69,273 were sold by Jones Robert Alan. Shares for $194,582 were sold by Crowell Keri. Moore Michael G sold $1.44 million worth of stock. Another trade for 4,700 shares valued at $57,164 was sold by Malone Mark. 4,000 shares valued at $48,666 were sold by Baldwin Steve on Friday, December 15.

Among 34 analysts covering Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR), 25 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 8 Hold. Therefore 74% are positive. Gulfport Energy Corporation had 84 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Jefferies initiated the shares of GPOR in report on Tuesday, November 3 with “Buy” rating. The firm has “Hold” rating by Jefferies given on Friday, August 19. Stifel Nicolaus maintained the shares of GPOR in report on Monday, August 14 with “Buy” rating. Goldman Sachs upgraded Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR) on Wednesday, November 11 to “Neutral” rating. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Thursday, February 18 by Stifel Nicolaus. On Wednesday, October 18 the stock rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley with “Underweight”. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Monday, February 22 by Euro Pacific Capital. The rating was initiated by Williams Capital Group on Monday, August 29 with “Buy”. RBC Capital Markets maintained Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:GPOR) rating on Friday, August 7. RBC Capital Markets has “Outperform” rating and $59 target. SunTrust maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Monday, October 23 report.

The stock increased 0.66% or $0.2 during the last trading session, reaching $30.4. About 7,883 shares traded. Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc. (UVE) has risen 29.83% since January 18, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 13.13% the S&P500.

Capital Returns Management Llc holds 5.55% of its portfolio in Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc. for 828,787 shares. Mountain Lake Investment Management Llc owns 227,500 shares or 1.75% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Matarin Capital Management Llc has 0.55% invested in the company for 283,860 shares. The Mississippi-based Hancock Holding Co has invested 0.46% in the stock. Ativo Capital Management Llc, a Illinois-based fund reported 57,740 shares.

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