$0.17 EPS Expected for Halliburton Company (HAL); Clearsign Combustion (CLIR)’s Sentiment Is 1.71

June 16, 2017 - By Hazel Jackson

ClearSign Combustion Corporation is engaged in designing and developing technologies for the purpose of managing performance characteristics of combustion systems, including emission and operational performance, and energy efficiency. The company has market cap of $61.67 million. The Company’s Duplex and Electrodynamic Combustion Control platform technologies manage the performance of combustion systems in a range of markets, including the energy (upstream oil production and down-stream refining), commercial/industrial boiler, chemical, petrochemical, and power industries. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s Duplex technology uses a porous ceramic tile above a standard burner to reduce flame length and achieve low emissions without the need for external flue gas recirculation, catalytic reduction, or air systems.

Analysts expect Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) to report $0.17 EPS on July, 19.They anticipate $0.31 EPS change or 221.43% from last quarter’s $-0.14 EPS. HAL’s profit would be $145.09M giving it 64.82 P/E if the $0.17 EPS is correct. After having $0.04 EPS previously, Halliburton Company’s analysts see 325.00% EPS growth. The stock decreased 1.67% or $0.75 on June 15, reaching $44.08. About shares traded. Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) has risen 19.03% since June 16, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.33% the S&P500.

Prescott Group Capital Management L.L.C. holds 0.04% of its portfolio in CLEARSIGN COMBUSTION CORP for 55,632 shares. National Asset Management Inc. owns 37,130 shares or 0.03% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Waldron Lp has 0.02% invested in the company for 15,040 shares. The Tennessee-based Highland Capital Management Llc has invested 0.01% in the stock. Bank Of America Corp De, a North Carolina-based fund reported 460 shares.

The stock increased 4.00% or $0.15 on June 15, reaching $3.9. About shares traded. CLEARSIGN COMBUSTION CORP (CLIR) has risen 7.05% since June 16, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 9.65% the S&P500.

Halliburton Company provides services and products to the upstream oil and natural gas industry throughout the lifecycle of the reservoir, from locating hydrocarbons and managing geological data, to drilling and formation evaluation, well construction and completion, and optimizing production throughout the life of the field. The company has market cap of $37.62 billion. It operates through two divisions: the Completion and Production segment, and the Drilling and Evaluation segment. It currently has negative earnings. The Completion and Production segment delivers cementing, stimulation, intervention, pressure control, specialty chemicals, artificial lift and completion services.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.12 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.24, from 0.88 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 64 investors sold Halliburton Company shares while 301 reduced holdings. 125 funds opened positions while 283 raised stakes. 680.96 million shares or 2.31% more from 665.59 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Intrust Commercial Bank Na has 0.31% invested in Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL). Highland Cap Mgmt Ltd Liability Corporation, Tennessee-based fund reported 35,573 shares. 81,111 are held by Ibm Retirement Fund. Texas Yale Capital Corp has 0.08% invested in Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL). Umb Bancorporation N A Mo owns 43,081 shares or 0.09% of their US portfolio. Henderson Group Public Limited Company holds 110,072 shares. Capital One National Association has invested 0.05% in Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL). Poplar Forest Ltd accumulated 275,084 shares. Tiaa Cref Mngmt Ltd Liability, a New York-based fund reported 3.26M shares. Passport Capital Ltd Liability Co, a California-based fund reported 109,334 shares. Jennison Limited Liability Corporation accumulated 21.98M shares. Plante Moran Financial Advsrs Ltd Liability Co has 148 shares for 0% of their portfolio. California-based First Republic Invest has invested 0.02% in Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL). Arosa Capital L P holds 9.08% in Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) or 1.21M shares. Independent Port Consultants invested in 1,162 shares or 0.02% of the stock.

Among 33 analysts covering Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL), 30 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 91% are positive. Halliburton Company had 98 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was downgraded by Societe Generale to “Hold” on Tuesday, July 19. Argus Research maintained the shares of HAL in report on Thursday, October 22 with “Buy” rating. On Thursday, October 20 the stock rating was maintained by DA Davidson with “Buy”. As per Monday, May 29, the company rating was maintained by Jefferies. On Friday, May 5 the stock rating was maintained by Bernstein with “Buy”. The rating was maintained by Oppenheimer on Tuesday, January 26 with “Outperform”. The company was upgraded on Thursday, September 3 by HSBC. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Thursday, July 21 by Deutsche Bank. The stock of Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) earned “Buy” rating by Loop Capital on Thursday, October 20. The rating was maintained by Howard Weil on Thursday, October 20 with “Sector Perform”.

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