July 21, 2017 - By Winifred Garcia
Tantech Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:TANH) had a decrease of 21.27% in short interest. TANH’s SI was 122,900 shares in July as released by FINRA. Its down 21.27% from 156,100 shares previously. With 82,300 avg volume, 2 days are for Tantech Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:TANH)’s short sellers to cover TANH’s short positions. The SI to Tantech Holdings Limited’s float is 0.57%. About 75,898 shares traded. Tantech Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ:TANH) has declined 31.86% since July 21, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 48.56% the S&P500.
Analysts expect Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG) to report $0.10 EPS on August, 1.They anticipate $0.01 EPS change or 9.09% from last quarter’s $0.11 EPS. ZAGG’s profit would be $2.86 million giving it 21.25 P/E if the $0.10 EPS is correct. After having $-0.12 EPS previously, Zagg Inc’s analysts see -183.33% EPS growth. About 62,168 shares traded. Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG) has risen 54.72% since July 21, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 38.02% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.11 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.23, from 0.88 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 13 investors sold Zagg Inc shares while 34 reduced holdings. 25 funds opened positions while 27 raised stakes. 21.87 million shares or 0.89% more from 21.68 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Allianz Asset Mgmt Ag has invested 0% in Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG). Wellington Mngmt Gru Ltd Liability Partnership has 0% invested in Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG) for 459,400 shares. Morgan Stanley reported 107,401 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Envestnet Asset Mgmt Inc stated it has 13,777 shares. Guggenheim Cap Ltd Com holds 0% or 16,148 shares in its portfolio. Lyons Wealth Management Ltd Liability Co reported 0.11% stake. Bridgeway Capital Mgmt owns 384,000 shares. Ancora Advisors Lc reported 0.02% in Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG). Perritt Mgmt Inc holds 80,000 shares or 0.14% of its portfolio. Penn Cap Management Inc holds 945,221 shares or 0.42% of its portfolio. Nationwide Fund Advisors owns 0% invested in Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG) for 19,438 shares. Vanguard Gru owns 0% invested in Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG) for 1.04M shares. The California-based Blackrock Institutional Trust Na has invested 0% in Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG). Aqr Capital Mgmt Limited Com reported 626,164 shares stake. Germany-based Deutsche Natl Bank Ag has invested 0% in Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG).
ZAGG Inc designs, produces and distributes professional product solutions for mobile devices, including screen protection (glass and film), keyboards for tablet computers and mobile devices, keyboard cases, earbuds, mobile power solutions, cables, and cases under the ZAGG and InvisibleShield brands. The company has market cap of $243.30 million. In addition, the Company designs, produces and distributes earbuds, headphones, mobile power solutions, Bluetooth speakers, cases and cables for mobile devices under the iFrogz brand in the fashion and youth oriented lifestyle sector. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm creates product solutions for users of mobile devices, and sells these products to clients through global distribution partners and online.
Among 4 analysts covering ZAGG (NASDAQ:ZAGG), 1 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 25% are positive. ZAGG had 7 analyst reports since August 5, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Wunderlich maintained it with “Buy” rating and $8 target in Wednesday, November 2 report. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, August 27 by Craig Hallum. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, May 11 by Wunderlich. TH Capital maintained the stock with “Neutral” rating in Wednesday, August 5 report. The stock of Zagg Inc (NASDAQ:ZAGG) earned “Hold” rating by Roth Capital on Thursday, June 15. Wunderlich maintained the shares of ZAGG in report on Friday, June 9 with “Buy” rating.
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