$0.04 EPS Expected for OMNI-LITE INDS CAN COM NPV (OLNCF), Cvd Equipment (CVV) Sellers Decreased By 1.72% Their Shorts

May 12, 2017 - By Marguerite Chambers

Analysts expect OMNI-LITE INDS CAN COM NPV (OTCMKTS:OLNCF) to report $0.04 EPS on May, 24.OLNCF’s profit would be $413,226 giving it 7.75 P/E if the $0.04 EPS is correct. After having $-0.02 EPS previously, OMNI-LITE INDS CAN COM NPV’s analysts see -300.00% EPS growth. The stock 0.15% or $0 on May 11, reaching $1.24. It is down 0.80% since October 5, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 11.67% the S&P500.

Cvd Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ:CVV) had a decrease of 1.72% in short interest. CVV’s SI was 337,200 shares in May as released by FINRA. Its down 1.72% from 343,100 shares previously. With 22,700 avg volume, 15 days are for Cvd Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ:CVV)’s short sellers to cover CVV’s short positions. The SI to Cvd Equipment Corporation’s float is 6.51%. The stock increased 5.62% or $0.57 on May 11, reaching $10.71. About shares traded. CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ:CVV) has risen 23.53% since October 5, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 12.66% the S&P500.

Since November 16, 2016, it had 0 insider buys, and 5 sales for $110,285 activity. Shares for $27,382 were sold by Swan Bruce T.

Investors sentiment decreased to 2 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.75, from 2.75 in 2016Q3. It dropped, as 4 investors sold CVD Equipment Corporation shares while 2 reduced holdings. 4 funds opened positions while 8 raised stakes. 1.13 million shares or 9.57% more from 1.03 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Manatuck Hill Partners Ltd holds 0.98% or 230,500 shares. 1,000 were accumulated by Bankshares Of Montreal Can. Awm Invest holds 0.49% or 288,700 shares. Geode Cap Mgmt Ltd Liability Co has 40,414 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Renaissance Tech Ltd Liability Co reported 0% of its portfolio in CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ:CVV). Vanguard Gru Inc invested in 193,025 shares. California Public Employees Retirement has 0% invested in CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ:CVV). Fifth Third State Bank reported 0% stake. Blackrock Fund Advsr reported 0% in CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ:CVV). Creative Planning invested in 1 shares or 0% of the stock. Commonwealth Equity Services reported 10,428 shares. Keybank Association Oh accumulated 97,568 shares. Northern Tru holds 11,367 shares. Morgan Stanley reported 0% of its portfolio in CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ:CVV). Dimensional Fund Advisors L P holds 41,442 shares.

CVD Equipment Corporation designs and makes equipment and process solutions used to develop and manufacture materials and coatings for research and industrial applications. The company has market cap of $68.49 million. The Firm operates through two divisions: CVD/First Nano and Stainless Design Concepts . It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s CVD/First Nano division supplies chemical vapor deposition systems for use in the research, development and manufacturing of aerospace and medical components, semiconductors, light emitting diodes (LEDs), carbon nanotubes, nanowires, solar cells and a number of other industrial applications.

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