July 26, 2017 - By Richard Conner
Analysts expect Just Energy Group Inc (NYSE:JE) to report $0.04 EPS on August, 9.They anticipate $0.08 EPS change or 200.00% from last quarter’s $-0.04 EPS. JE’s profit would be $5.86M giving it 34.00 P/E if the $0.04 EPS is correct. After having $0.17 EPS previously, Just Energy Group Inc’s analysts see -76.47% EPS growth. About 55,087 shares traded. Just Energy Group Inc (NYSE:JE) has declined 10.67% since July 26, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 27.37% the S&P500.
CIBER INCORPORATED (OTCMKTS:CBRIQ) had a decrease of 38.13% in short interest. CBRIQ’s SI was 910,600 shares in July as released by FINRA. Its down 38.13% from 1.47M shares previously. With 5.95M avg volume, 0 days are for CIBER INCORPORATED (OTCMKTS:CBRIQ)’s short sellers to cover CBRIQ’s short positions. About 915,063 shares traded. CIBER, Inc. (OTCMKTS:CBRIQ) has 0.00% since July 26, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
Ciber, Inc. is a global information technology (IT) services company. The company has market cap of $3.31 million. The Firm operates in two divisions: North America and International. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s Ciber International segment primarily consists of countries in Western Europe and the Nordic region.
Just Energy Group Inc. is an energy management solutions well-known provider engaged in electricity, natural gas, solar and green energy. The company has market cap of $796.81 million. The Company’s divisions include Consumer Energy and Commercial Energy. It has a 2.99 P/E ratio. The Firm operates in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, offering a range of energy products, including long-term fixed-price, variable rate and flat bill programs; home energy management services, including smart thermostats and tools to manage energy use at the appliance level, and residential solar panel installations.
Among 7 analysts covering Just Energy Group (NYSE:JE), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 43% are positive. Just Energy Group had 10 analyst reports since August 14, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was downgraded by Canaccord Genuity on Thursday, May 18 to “Hold”. The stock of Just Energy Group Inc (NYSE:JE) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, December 10 by Rodman and Renshaw. On Friday, December 18 the stock rating was initiated by FBR Capital with “Outperform”. The firm has “Buy” rating by FBR Capital given on Tuesday, June 13. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, May 25 by H.C. Wainwright. The stock has “Sector Perform” rating by National Bank Canada on Monday, August 17. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Thursday, December 10 by H.C. Wainwright.
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