Tearlab Corporation (NASDAQ:TEAR) had a decrease of 9.54% in short interest. TEAR’s SI was 31,300 shares in April as released by FINRA. Its down 9.54% from 34,600 shares previously. With 40,000 avg volume, 1 days are for Tearlab Corporation (NASDAQ:TEAR)’s short sellers to cover TEAR’s short positions. The SI to Tearlab Corporation’s float is 0.71%. About 59,327 shares traded. TearLab Corp (NASDAQ:TEAR) has declined 66.57% since September 14, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 77.39% the S&P500.
Analysts expect Inseego Corp (NASDAQ:INSG) to report $-0.04 EPS on May, 8.They anticipate $0.06 EPS change or 60.00% from last quarter’s $-0.1 EPS. After having $-0.07 EPS previously, Inseego Corp’s analysts see -42.86% EPS growth. About 69,759 shares traded. Inseego Corp (NASDAQ:INSG) has declined 29.33% since September 14, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 40.16% the S&P500.
Inseego Corp, formerly Novatel Wireless, Inc., is a well-known provider of software-as-a-service and solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT). The company has market cap of $119.18 million. The Firm offers a range of products, including mobile hotspots, universal serial bus (USB) modems, embedded modules, integrated asset-management and mobile tracking machine-to-machine (M2M) devices, communications and applications software and cloud services. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm sells its telematics solutions under the Ctrack brand, including its fleet management, asset tracking and monitoring, stolen vehicle recovery, and usage insurance platforms.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.09 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.56, from 0.53 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 3 investors sold TearLab Corp shares while 8 reduced holdings. 5 funds opened positions while 7 raised stakes. 17.92 million shares or 8.03% less from 19.48 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. 130,328 were reported by Geode Cap Limited. Blackrock Institutional Trust Com Na reported 13,199 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Spark Investment Management Llc holds 73,200 shares. Moreover, Morgan Stanley has 0% invested in TearLab Corp (NASDAQ:TEAR) for 17,010 shares. Bancorp Of Montreal Can holds 20 shares. Goldman Sachs Group Incorporated Inc reported 56,672 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Vanguard Group holds 737,512 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Two Sigma Securities Lc reported 0.01% stake. California Pub Employees Retirement Systems invested in 86,500 shares or 0% of the stock. Renaissance Technology Limited Liability holds 0% or 38,100 shares in its portfolio. Farr Miller And Washington Limited Company Dc stated it has 27,711 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Meristem Limited Liability Partnership owns 17,779 shares. Raymond James Financial Advisors owns 10,120 shares. Blackrock Fund has 0% invested in TearLab Corp (NASDAQ:TEAR) for 8,892 shares. Moreover, Citadel Advsrs Limited Liability Corporation has 0% invested in TearLab Corp (NASDAQ:TEAR).
Since March 29, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 1 sale for $1.05 million activity. AWM Investment Company – Inc. sold $1.05M worth of stock or 327,674 shares.
Among 3 analysts covering Tearlab Corporation (NASDAQ:TEAR), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. Tearlab Corporation had 4 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Roth Capital downgraded TearLab Corp (NASDAQ:TEAR) on Thursday, August 4 to “Neutral” rating. The stock of TearLab Corp (NASDAQ:TEAR) has “Strong Buy” rating given on Wednesday, March 9 by Feltl & Co.