June 13, 2017 - By Hazel Jackson
Hometown Bankshares Corporation (NASDAQ:HMTA) had a decrease of 47.22% in short interest. HMTA’s SI was 1,900 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its down 47.22% from 3,600 shares previously. With 9,700 avg volume, 0 days are for Hometown Bankshares Corporation (NASDAQ:HMTA)’s short sellers to cover HMTA’s short positions. The SI to Hometown Bankshares Corporation’s float is 0.04%. The stock increased 0.10% or $0.01 on June 12, reaching $9.81. About shares traded. HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA) has 0.00% since June 13, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
Analysts expect VSB Bancorp, Inc. (OTCMKTS:VSBN) to report $0.00 EPS on July, 12. It closed at $16.25 lastly. It is down 0.00% since June 13, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
VSB Bancorp, Inc. is the holding company for Victory State Bank , a commercial bank. The company has market cap of $29.71 million. The Firm owns all of the issued and outstanding stock of the Bank. It has a 15.78 P/E ratio. The Bank is a New York State chartered commercial bank, supervised by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
Investors sentiment increased to Infinity in Q4 2016. Its up Infinity, from 1 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 0 investors sold HomeTown Bankshares Corp shares while 0 reduced holdings. 10 funds opened positions while 0 raised stakes. 3.41 million shares or 1615.53% more from 198,703 shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Tower Ltd Liability Company (Trc) invested 0% of its portfolio in HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA). Fj Ltd invested in 0.51% or 372,700 shares. Banc Funds Ltd has 0.07% invested in HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA). Interocean Capital Lc accumulated 0.03% or 16,640 shares. Moreover, Wellington Management Gp Llp has 0% invested in HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA) for 372,735 shares. 174,720 were reported by Manufacturers Life Insur The. Jacobs Asset Mngmt Limited Co stated it has 0.33% of its portfolio in HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA). Moreover, Ejf Cap Limited Liability Company has 0.26% invested in HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA). Wealthcare Mngmt Llc owns 0% invested in HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA) for 634 shares. Davidson & Garrard Incorporated reported 10,860 shares stake. Wells Fargo And Comm Mn invested 0% in HomeTown Bankshares Corp (NASDAQ:HMTA). Salzhauer Michael holds 24,960 shares or 0.11% of its portfolio.
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