June 23, 2017 - By Migdalia James
Analysts expect Pacific Financial Corporation (OTCMKTS:PFLC) to report $0.00 EPS on July, 20. It closed at $8.7 lastly. It is up 0.00% since June 23, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the S&P500.
Genie Energy Ltd. owns interest in its subsidiary, Genie Energy International Corporation, which owns Genie Retail Energy and Genie Oil and Gas, Inc. The company has market cap of $169.29 million. The Firm operates through three divisions: Genie Retail Energy (GRE), Afek Oil and Gas, Ltd. (Afek), and Genie Oil and Gas (GOGAS). It currently has negative earnings. The GRE segment operates retail energy providers (REPs), including IDT Energy, Inc. and Residents Energy, Inc., and energy brokerage and marketing services.
Pacific Financial Corporation is a bank holding company. The company has market cap of $90.35 million. The Firm owns a banking subsidiary, Bank of the Pacific . It has a 13.98 P/E ratio. The Firm conducts its banking business through the Bank, which operates approximately 17 branches located in communities in Grays Harbor, Pacific, Whatcom, Clark, Skagit and Wahkiakum counties in the state of Washington, and over three in Clatsop County, Oregon.
The stock increased 2.77% or $0.2 on June 22, reaching $7.43. About shares traded. Genie Energy Ltd (GNE) has risen 2.90% since June 23, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 13.80% the S&P500.
Greenwood Investments Inc. holds 2.5% of its portfolio in Genie Energy Ltd for 151,630 shares. Salzhauer Michael owns 26,880 shares or 0.08% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Argent Trust Co has 0.05% invested in the company for 20,164 shares. The Texas-based Bridgeway Capital Management Inc has invested 0.01% in the stock. Css Llc Il, a Illinois-based fund reported 24,637 shares.
Since January 1, 0001, it had 3 insider purchases, and 10 sales for $197,353 activity.
Analysts await Genie Energy Ltd (NYSE:GNE) to report earnings on August, 3.
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