$0.00 EPS Expected for Medallion Financial (MFIN), Pimco Income Strategy Fund II Has 1.03 Sentiment

Analysts expect Medallion Financial Corp (NASDAQ:MFIN) to report $0.00 EPS on May, 9. It closed at $2.1 lastly. It is down 48.28% since September 27, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 58.84% the S&P500.

PIMCO Income Strategy Fund II is a closed-end management investment company. The company has market cap of $618.22 million. The Fund’s primary investment objective is to seek high current income, consistent with the preservation of capital. It currently has negative earnings. The Fund allocates assets in varying proportions among floating- and fixed-rate debt instruments, as well as among investment grade and non-investment-grade securities.

Medallion Financial Corp. is a closed-end, non-diversified management investment company. The company has market cap of $51.23 million. The Firm is a specialty finance company, which is engaged in originating, acquiring and servicing loans that finance taxicab medallions and various types of commercial businesses. It has a 2.16 P/E ratio. The Firm operates in lending and investing activities segment.

Graybill Bartz & Assoc Ltd holds 2.19% of its portfolio in Pimco Income Strategy Fund II for 270,295 shares. Shaker Financial Services Llc owns 247,660 shares or 1.39% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Addison Capital Co has 0.89% invested in the company for 106,402 shares. The California-based First Foundation Advisors has invested 0.6% in the stock. Doliver Capital Advisors Inc., a Texas-based fund reported 50,336 shares.

It closed at $10.46 lastly. It is down 10.57% since September 27, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.01% the S&P500.

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