$0.00 EPS Expected for Auburn National Bancorporation (AUBN); Acnb (ACNB) SI Decreased By 0.41%

June 19, 2017 - By Ellis Scott

Acnb Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB) had a decrease of 0.41% in short interest. ACNB’s SI was 49,100 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its down 0.41% from 49,300 shares previously. With 5,500 avg volume, 9 days are for Acnb Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB)’s short sellers to cover ACNB’s short positions. The SI to Acnb Corporation’s float is 0.83%. The stock decreased 0.34% or $0.1 on June 16, reaching $29.1. About shares traded. ACNB Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB) has risen 28.32% since June 19, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 11.62% the S&P500.

Analysts expect Auburn National Bancorporation Inc (NASDAQ:AUBN) to report $0.00 EPS on July, 24. The stock increased 0.67% or $0.23 on June 16, reaching $34.75. About shares traded. Auburn National Bancorporation Inc (NASDAQ:AUBN) has risen 26.06% since June 19, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 9.36% the S&P500.

ACNB Corporation is a financial holding company. The company has market cap of $175.95 million. The Company’s banking activities are conducted through its operating subsidiary, ACNB Bank , and offers a range of property and casualty, life and health insurance to both commercial and individual clients through its subsidiary, Russell Insurance Group, Inc. (RIG). It has a 16.08 P/E ratio. The Firm has two divisions: the Bank and RIG.

Investors sentiment increased to 2.8 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.88, from 1.92 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 2 investors sold ACNB Corporation shares while 8 reduced holdings. 7 funds opened positions while 21 raised stakes. 1.07 million shares or 7.09% more from 999,348 shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Jpmorgan Chase & reported 10,586 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Vanguard Gru stated it has 109,526 shares. California State Teachers Retirement reported 12,295 shares. Ativo Cap Mgmt Limited Co reported 30,008 shares or 0.22% of all its holdings. Moreover, Morgan Stanley has 0% invested in ACNB Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB). Manufacturers Life Insurance Commerce The holds 0% of its portfolio in ACNB Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB) for 5,357 shares. M&T Fincl Bank has 0% invested in ACNB Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB) for 12,248 shares. Tiaa Cref Management Limited Liability Corp holds 0% or 18,518 shares. Wells Fargo Communications Mn holds 0% or 6,153 shares. Legal And General Gp Public Ltd Com reported 972 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Wheatland Inc holds 0.26% or 9,308 shares in its portfolio. Tower Rech Limited Liability (Trc) invested in 0% or 205 shares. Ny State Common Retirement Fund has 0% invested in ACNB Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB). Bnp Paribas Arbitrage invested in 47 shares or 0% of the stock. Nationwide Fund Advsr accumulated 3,657 shares.

Since March 15, 2017, it had 19 insider buys, and 1 sale for $211,190 activity. SCHULTZ MARIAN B bought $2,117 worth of ACNB Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB) on Wednesday, March 15. Sites David L had bought 1,500 shares worth $44,125 on Monday, May 22. Another trade for 69 shares valued at $2,117 was made by Stock Alan J on Wednesday, March 15. Miller Robert Wayne had bought 69 shares worth $2,117 on Wednesday, March 15. 69 ACNB Corporation (NASDAQ:ACNB) shares with value of $2,117 were bought by Lott James J. 77 shares valued at $2,362 were bought by ELSNER FRANK III on Wednesday, March 15. $2,117 worth of stock was bought by Patterson J Emmett on Wednesday, March 15.

Since January 3, 2017, it had 13 insider purchases, and 2 sales for $43,977 activity. 700 shares were sold by WRIGHT EMIL F JR, worth $21,812. Another trade for 15 shares valued at $468 was made by O’DONNELL SHANNON on Wednesday, January 4. Shares for $530 were bought by SMITH CHARLES EDWARD JR on Tuesday, April 4. Another trade for 28 shares valued at $927 was bought by HOUSEL DAVID E. 29 shares valued at $960 were bought by HAM WILLIAM F JR on Tuesday, April 4. Barrett J Tutt also bought $1,291 worth of Auburn National Bancorporation Inc (NASDAQ:AUBN) shares. $1,192 worth of Auburn National Bancorporation Inc (NASDAQ:AUBN) was bought by ANDRUS TERRY W on Tuesday, April 4.

Auburn National Bancorporation, Inc

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